Leaner legs.


Hello ladies.
I was wondering what this workout is like. I went for a jog today and plan on doing a lower body workout. I havnt tried it yet. Can u tell me what its like or what its comparable to. Do u like it? Trying to get motivated. How long is it ? Is it straighg forward.
It's straight forward and really moves along quickly. It has tons of leg presses and squat variations. The whole DVD is 49 minutes, but only about 35 is actual leg work. I find it very challenging and I am NOT a leg workout weenie. The ab section at the end is a bit different than some of Cathe's recent ab workouts, so you'll be challenged by the change.
Hello ladies.
I was wondering what this workout is like. I went for a jog today and plan on doing a lower body workout. I havnt tried it yet. Can u tell me what its like or what its comparable to. Do u like it? Trying to get motivated. How long is it ? Is it straighg forward.

I loved it. I did it for the first time this week. It is all standing legs--no floor or barre work. It moves very fast, so even though it is a strength workout, your heart will be pumping. Here is the sequence of exercises:

Barbell squats
Deadlifts with barbell
Calf raises
Leg press with dumbbells on 14 inch high step (3 sets of 16 reps)
Single leg squats with dumbbells one foot on 10 inch step
Deadlifts with barbell
Calf raises
Barbell squats
Sit & Stands with barbell using high step at 16 inches
Deadlifts with barbell
Calf raises
Static lunges with barbell
Plie squats with barbell
Deadlifts with barbell
Calf raises

The abdominal work at the end is 9 minutes and I found it unimpressive. Just lots of crunch variations.
Hi thanks for ur replys!

Jen thats what I call a review! Wow I appriciate that. I went on cathe to see the chapters on computer but it didnt have it. This help
S so much!
You're welcome--I write up reviews of every workout I do after the first time I do it so I know exactly what I thought of it when I come back to it again. Plus, if it is a strength workout I need to know every exercise, so I can keep track of the weights I used so I know if I need to go heavier the next time.
Gawd! I need to do that! What,kinda book do u use? A regular notebook? Do u also write premixss as well. Man I tell ya that sounds exactly what I need,to do so ill stop wasting time trying to think of what to do next. Wonderful idea.
I use the wonderful Cathe Compendiums created by Anna that I am so grateful for.

These break down every exercise in the strength workouts in charts and each exercise lists the weight Cathe uses and has a long empty space beside that. I am so grateful Anna created these because before I found them I wrote each exercise down in a notebook the first time I did the workout--which often extended the workout time since I had to push pause several times! I still have to do that with non-Cathe workouts.

Anyway, I print out the workout page from the compendium before a workout and if I use a different weight than Cathe, I write that beside the exercise. If, after I finish the exercise, I find I went too light or heavy, I put an up or down arrow next to the amount of weight I used. Then later than evening (I workout first thing in the morning) I record everything in a notebook, so that the next time I do the workout I just cross out the weight that Cathe uses and write the weight I plan to use in its place. (I also reuse the compendium pages--I just fold them up and keep them in my training notebook). As for premixes, I create my own little sheets for premixes--the Compendiums make that easier because everything is already listed, I just have to re-arrange it according to the premixes.

As for my personal "reviews" of workouts I do, I have a free blog where I review every workout I do. I do it for my own benefit since the blog works like a database that I can easily search. I can also categorize each entry to find types of workouts easier. So any time I want to refresh my memory about what I thought of a workout, I just go to my blog and read what I thought. Before I decided to create the blog, I reviewed each workout on paper. The blog is a much easier method for me. You can make a blog private, so no one but you can see it, or public. Mine is public but I don't identify myself on it.

BTW--according to my family I put too much time and effort into this crap. Maybe I do, but I look at working out as my hobby; what I do for fun. All of this is just part of it.
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BTW--according to my family I put too much time and effort into this crap. Maybe I do, but I look at working out as my hobby; what I do for fun. All of this is just part of it.

;) I am certain you can make of list of things that THEY put too much time into.
Lol wow that is family for ya ...lol I tell u I love putting time into my workouts. It makes me..HAPPY. I had bern told that also by my family ..And alot of my family put to much time into... Standing around smoking and drinking... Everyday..humm now theres a productive way to waste time isnt it. Lol.
Where is ur blog?

I use Wordpress.com. Its free and easy to use. I did end up buying my own domain name once I realized that using the blog as my little workout database was working out well for me--but that is not required to use Wordpress. You can use their domain, which costs nothing. (However, domains are cheap, so even if you do that it's not a big expense.)

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