leaner legs



Could pyramid lower body dvd be an alternative of leaner legs. Cathe gave a full one month program including leaner legs, and I think I could do pyramid lower body alternative to leaner legs. I need any suggestions.

If PLB is the only other lower body weight workout that you have then it would be a good sub for LL. Leaner Legs is a very endurance based leg workout that is high rep and it has different moves than PLB, or similar moves with a lot of low ends thrown in (this was the workout where Cathe "discovered" the low end}( ), so if you have any other lower body workouts let us know and we might suggest another substitution. Otherwise, I would use PLB and lighten up the weights, but do all the standing work twice through, skipping the floorwork.

Hi Mattea,

My program given by Cathe is above. I have all dvd's except Leaner Legs. Thanks alot for your recomandations.


Day one: Butts and Guts

Day two: 10 minute warm up, 30 minute interval run (run briskly one minute walk briskly 90 seconds) and 10 minute stretch.

Day Three: Drill Max

Day Four: 40 minute steady state run and ONLY leg conditioning drills from Kick Max.

Day Five: Kick, Punch and Crunch

Day Six: Leaner Legs and Body Max 2 ONLY upper body sculpt section

Day Seven: Rest


Day One: Imax 2

Day Two: Gym Style Legs

Day Three: 45 minute steady state run and 10 minutes core work

Day Four: Pyramid Upper Body

Day Five: Legs and Glutes

Day Six: Cardio and weights

Day Seven: Rest
This will be much easier in that you have all the other videos :) LL runs in "cycles", for example, squats (varying tempo), leg presses (varying weights), calf raises. Each cycle consists of about 2 "big exercises" for the legs (squats, plie squats, sit and stands, leg presses, one legged squats, lunges, dead lifts) finished with a few sets of calf raises to give the legs a brief break, all done with medium weights (both db and bb)---so it is definitely endurance for the legs! The best substitution that I could offer would be actually taking some of her endurance all body weight workouts and mixing them together. For example, do the lower body only from Muscle Max and Muscle Endurance (adding on the calf work from Gym Style Legs). Another good sub might be the lower body only from Super Sets and Push Pull. Feel free to lighten the weights a little bit with these as in LL Cathe's only using 35lbs on her BB. You would have to add on about 8-10 minutes of "good old fashioned" abdominal work at the end. Something with no equipment and a lot of crunches at various speeds from all angles.

Let me know if you have any other questions:7


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