Leaner Legs


Hi Everyone!!
I just tried Leaner Legs today from the CTX Series. My legs and butt are killing me!!!!! I know I'll be hurting tomorrow, but want to continue to workout. Any suggestions on what to do for tomorrow's workout?? Maybe a cardio workout?? I'd appreciate anyones 2 cents. Thanks!
I just started using it about a month ago. The muscle soreness didn't kick in for about 24 hours (actually ran the next a.m.). But then.... I would do something to warm & stretch the legs tomorrow. So a low intensity cardio or yoga. Swimming provided wonderful relief - for about 2 hours.

I went through old threads to find out if LL was going to put me in misery every week. It varied a lot. Nothing was like the first week for me.

My sympathy.
Either upper body work, a rest day, or I personally love to do kickbox after LL. I know that the kicking works your legs, but it is a lot of upperbody work, so... it just works for me. Have fun!
I use CTX Upper Body after LL and avoid anything that used leg strength. Both of these workouts kill me. I've done Leaner Legs about six times, and each time I'm sore the following morning and it lasts for up to three days! (Getting better as the days pass, of course)

The first time I tried LL, I pushed myself too hard and could hardly walk after the workout was finished. I'm scheduled to do LL tonite - shakin' in my Reeboks!


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