Leaner Legs


Hi Cathe! I had received all of my new 8-pack tapes yesterday and did the Leaner Legs tape. I just wanted to say that you really outdid yourself with this one. I tried running through it with a 45 lb. barbell and WOW my legs never quivered so much in all the 15 years of working out! I'll definitely have to drop the weight to 35 lbs. I found this tape to be so much harder than Strong Legs and Abs from the Power Strength Series but I think it was because I worked these muscles in a completely different way. Doing 45 lbs. was too much, too soon. All I wanted to say is THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Your the best! Can't wait to try all of the others. Give a hug to little Eric for me and take care, Kathy
Hi Kathy!

Glad you like leaner legs. Wow, you did it with a 45 pound bar? Whew!

This tape sure is a bit of a toughy. Yes, you are right though, it is going to be the hardest in the beginning because you are working your muscles a whole new way.

I knew when I was choreograghing this video that all of the "low end" reps were going to knock "sit n stands" into second place. How about the low end static lunges----YOWSA!!!

Enjoy your videos and thanks for your feedback and kind words!
Hi Cathe,
I was so excited to get my tapes yesterday! I decided I would do "leaner legs". OH MY GOSH! What a workout! I was soaking wet, and my legs were quivering! You know, before I did the tape I thought to myself "well, it's Cathe I know it will be tough" but I weight train in the gym and do Firm videos. Well, I started with the 35#'s then I think it was the leg press, I did the first set with 10 pounds, then the other two sets with no weight! I watched you and the "gals" with such envy! Wow. Well anyway from the leg press on it was VERRRRRRRY difficult. I think I did the split leg lunges with no weight either. But, it gives me something to work towards. And by the way, when did you dream up the low end pulses!? You nasty little girl!!!!!!! Thanks for all your efforts and hard work. We all really appreciate you. Plus I really want to come to a VF roadtrip! That would be too great!
Take care,
Another Leaner Legs First-Timer----OUCH!!!!!!!!!

This tape beats any other leg tape by far!! The toughest leg workout I've ever come across!!!

I had planned to use a heavier barbell and dumbbells than used in the video, but reading the previous posts last nite made me decide to use the 35 lb. barbell and 10 & 8 lb. dumbbells, just like what is used in the video. THANK GOODNESS I didn't try to go heavier!!! This was plenty heavy enough, thank you very much!

The low-end static lunges AND the low-end plie squats were too much for me...I'm ashamed to say I had to quit those 2 exercises a few reps before Cathe & crew finished! Oh well, now I've got something to work toward---finishing Leaner Legs without missing a single rep!!!---that is, assuming I ever get brave enough to even DO that tape again, LOL!!

This tape is painfully excuciatingly wonderful! Thank you, Cathe!

Leaner Legs the day after

I knew I was going to be sore after this one. I was right. My hamstrings and quads are a tad sore (but, not too sore).

I read all of the posts and decided to be a total wimp and use a measly 25-lb barbell. Boy, was I glad I was a wimp as this tape certainly humbled me. I have always had strong legs but my weight training hasn't been as consistent recently as it used to be. So, I picked up my 25 lb barbell and started in. I think I started to poop out on the leg presses. I started with 10 pounds like everyone else, dropped to 8 pounds on the second set, and then I believe I dropped down to 5 lb weights for the last set (or, was I dreaming that I dropped down to 5 lb weights). Wow. After that, on to those killer stationary lunges. I couldn't finish all of those reps. I quit a couple of reps early to catch my breath. In fact, I had to stop the tape and walk around a couple of minutes 'cause I was *gasping* for air (good thing air's free).
Then, on to those killer plie squats. Well, I did a Cathe in the PS Legs from her sit 'n stands. My legs were going a mile a minute here.
I've never had my legs so fatigued ever! Thank you, Cathe, for making me work so hard. I loved every minute of it. This tape will definitley be something to work up to. I just love the challenge!

Now, I think it's time to stretch out my hamstrings again as they're a tad on the sore side. ;)

Humbly yours,

Hey Lorrayne!

I just did Leaner Legs for the 2nd time this morning. WARNING: Those static lunges at the low end don't get any easier. I think they're so tough because your rear quad gets exhausted on the first set, then when you switch legs, your energy is really depleted when that rear leg becomes your lead-off leg. So I think it might be a good idea to alternate which leg is my lead-off leg. I made a note in my workout log for today; next time, I do the workout, I intend to start the static lunges on the other leg (the opposite one from Cathe.) Don't want one leg getting "leaner" than the other, right?

I can't wait to read your reaction to the other tapes. Look out Plyos, here comes Lorrayne!
Leaner Legs question

I got my tapes yesterday and I have to admit that I actually GIGGLED when I saw the box at my front door!!! I felt like a 6-year old on Christmas morning!!

For Cathe or the educated crowd, I previewed Leaner Legs and I am wondering what everyone is using for the lunges with your foot on the step behind you. I have the Rubbermaid toolbox for the leg presses and a regular step. For those of us without an adjustable mini-step, is the regular step at 8" sufficient for this exercise (I'm 5'8" with a long torso and shorter legs)? I'm afraid the Rubbermaid box would be too tall for that.

I am SO EXCITED to have the new tapes. The wait was excruciating, but I know it was worth it!

I'm going to do Leaner Legs,

tomorrow evening. I have to teach a Body Pump class in the morning, and I'm going to purposely lower my weights in my class so I can do this tape tomorrow. Will it still be to much? And are there any pointers you can give me? I haven't done this one yet, and frankly, I'm a little scared after hearing all of you talk about it
Meaner Legs!

This is what the tape is being referred to lately!!

I did that video for the first time yesterday. I went with a much lighter weight, 15 lbs.,keeping in mind that my family and I were going to Great Adventure for the day. It was tough!
But I like the pace of this video, before you know it you are done. My suggestion is to go lighter on the weights especially since you're doing Body Pump too.
Yeah I imagine I'll go a little bit lighter

in my class and on the tape. Well, I HAVE to on the tape, I don't have a barbell yet! Just a 15lb bodybar and 15lb dumbells. Ok, so maybe I won't go too light in my class
Loved the Lean Mean Legs tape!!

Another time-economical workout, which is just as hard as PS Legs only different! I liked the way you kept it moving, and incorporated the deadlifts and calf raises with the other exercises.

I had to go lighter than my usual 65 lbs. that I use for PS, down to 50 lbs. I'm glad I had the sense not to go heavier that that. I still went with 15 lbs. with the dumbbells, though.

Great tape! I haven't found one in the CTX series that I didn't like. That's for listening to us and giving us most of our wish list!!!! What will I ask for Xmas now that I have gotten everything on my list???!!!!
Hey Daphne


I did Leaner Legs this morning for the second time. Since I was intimidated with this workout, I kept my barbell at 25 lbs again and only used 8 lb and 5 lb dumbbells for the leg presses. Those static lunges were a killer again! But, I was able to complete all of them this time without gasping for air. I think my cardio endurance is starting to return to me. I may be brave and up my step to 8" for round 2 of CTX next week.

Funny you should say that you used the opposite lead leg for the static lunges. I did the same thing this morning. Too funny.

I have completed all of the CTX but the biceps and triceps tapes (and haven't done Circuit Max yet). But, I absolutely LOVED all the tapes I've done thus far. Yes, Daphne, I love the plyo moves. They are just tons of fun (aren't we weird?).

Have fun in San Francisco next month!


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