

Just wanted to wish you and "Kate";) a very merry Christmas, please come back...I miss you!
I rely on both your opinions at some time or another. Laura, you helped my hubby and I legally with our neighbors dogs. I can't thank you enough! It has worked (more often than ever before) and our place is peaceful again. And a lot of other things as well. And Kathryn already knows that I love her and all her opinions are very important.

The knowledge you both bring to the table is so valuable to me. It's OK to have different opinions that's what makes these forums work. I hope I speak for many people on this forum.

I want Laura back. You both are very strong women, be strong enough to continue on with us.

Have a great Christmas Eve and Christmas.

Think about it,


The idea is to die young as late as possible
I enjoy reading your posts! Please come back.... And please don't stop expressing your opinion!!!

I don't want to drag this out - I have been holding back in responding, but, I thought about it, and I figure, so what. Expressing ideas is good - AND I'M NOT TRYING TO CHANGE ANYONES MIND. Well - here it goes, DO WHAT YOU WANT!!! You don't need government or anyone to tell you what to do or make you feel bad. And freedom is freedom for all - I'm not willing to give up my freedom, even if I disagree with someone. Meaning, I won't tell someone else what they can't (if its legal) because, I don't want to be told what I can or can't do. So if that means YOU can do Botox - go for it. (And I'm sorry for the animals - but, I believe Rats are not equal to Humans)

Well - I really do hope I didn't offend anyone!! I just think LauraMax should come back :)

I hope I didn't drag this out!!! I couldn't help myself. Cathe's forums are full of such great people!!!! I hate to hear of someone, putting Cathe's forum on probation :)

I hope you all enjoy your Holidays!! :) :) :) :) :)
WOW! I never looked at that thread until now. OUCH! It did get ugly. I also agree that we are entitled to our own views and sharing information is helpful - but in non face-to-face encounters things can get heated and be said that may not happen otherwise. I also appreciate LauraMax's perspective and insight. Sometimes I think folks around here are VERY hyporcritical and I have to "bite my tongue" or "silence my fingers". I have a lot of respect for the fact that Laura doesn't do that. Maybe she just needs a break from all of this - but I echo the sentiment that I hope she returns.

Have a Merry Christmas all.

I just read the "ugly" thread and I just want to say that I value the opinions of all the contributors, and hope no one leaves these boards. I appreciate Laura and Kathryn and everyone else very much.

Also, I really hope this doesn't raise the whole topic again in a nasty way, but as someone who lives in a city that is practically being taken over by rodents, I will go on record as saying I don't give a darn what happens to them. I hope that doesn't seem too heartless, but I think drug experimentation is a perfectly good use for mice and rats (but NOT other animals! I sure hope the mention of dogs was a mistake! :eek: !)

I'm still half asleep. I hope I won't regret posting this later. Merry Christmas to all who are celebrating it today! :D
>And when you do, maybe you'll stop spewing your constant psuedo-knowledge of all things earthly. Sometimes people who DO stuff actually know more than those who've only READ about it.


I know I'm new here but it's statements like these that scare me away. I often lurk but am afraid to post for fear of people like this. Please tell me why people value this opinion? I find it strange that NO ONE called her on this rude post.

Oh please, that post was from someone who had only 5 posts showing, and yes it was very rude. I hope you are not a troll.

I believe this post is to convince Laura Max to come back to the forum where she belongs, not to conjure up bad feelings.

You must know by now that these forums are from a very educated crowd and have a lot to contribute. We may not see eye to eye, but that's OK.

Be a lurker if you will, but it's also great to get to know some of these people and their personalities.


The idea is to die young as late as possible

That post referred to by the new forum member about spewing pseudo knowledge all over the forums was INFACT from LauraMax directed to Kathryn.

I found the wording pretty offensive and uncalled for, but I hope Laura doesn't leave, although it seems she already has.

Emotions sometimes run high and this is a stressful time of the year for many people anyway. I hope in the new year things will smooth over and we'll see Laura again.
I haven't read the ugly thread yet (read some of it early on but not when it was really ugly, I guess) but I would like to say I hope LauraMax comes back, too. I think she is a fun and great contributer. Let's be pro-free-speech and love each other here. We don't all have to agree all the time to be friends in the long run.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog:[/font]
I don't think it was meant to be an ugly thread until someone took it upon themselves to make it that way by taking opinions on a topic as a personal indictment of their own life and lash out. I hope cooler heads will prevail and all will feel welcome to post their opinions and RESPECTFULLY disagree.

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