latest fitprime scam?


At least it sounds like a scam to me. Anna is closing down the old fitprime and original vid/DVDs and re-making them into a new series at:
And, as usual, none of them are available yet for shipping so you never know what she will really ship you eventually.

This is Anna's and her sister's, can't remember her name right name, new venture. There is also an infomercial. Someone at Video Fitness saw it yesterday. There are 6 brand new workouts available in February and 6 remakes of older Fitprime workouts available in March.
Fitprime has always been offbeat, so to speak. They have tried so hard to be different from the Firm but they seem to go too far in the other direction. Not that their workouts are inherintly bad or anything, its just that they have a strange philosophy. I don't think its a scam but rather their attempt to reinvent themselves (over and over and over again!) I have not idea if they work and I don't really want to find out!:p
I have all the Fitprimes and really love the workouts...that said, I don't think I'll be getting the new ones since they look like they might be remakes (albeit with different instructors and a class setting instead of just one on one)...though when it comes to new workouts, I never say never! lol
It's not a scam. Anna has closed out FitPrime and has partnered with her sister, Cynthia, and Women's Health and Fitness Network.

It looks like the first 6 workouts in the new series will all be new workouts and the other 6 workouts are remakes of the FitPrime workouts.
Not a scam...

I know people that are in personal contact with Anna's ex-husband, Mark--the co-creator of the Original Firm (before Good Times got hold of it). He has joined forces with Anna again & has been working on the new stuff. Having "spoken" with Mark on another forum myself (more than a year ago), I came to believe that he was the talent behind the Firm to begin with.

I've looked at the sight & I'll be waiting anxiously to see what Mark & Anna come up with this time around.
RE: Not a scam...

But why do you have to "re-make" the old workouts and re-sell them as an all new workout? That is what seems like a scam to me.
RE: Not a scam...

I guess Anna figures it's not a scam if she discloses it. I'm waiting to see how clear she is in her disclosure - someone asked on the old FP forum about the remakes, were they "new" workouts or not, and Anna posted a long reply starting with "What IS 'New'?" - saying that if the lead, set, music and background exercisers were new, SHE considered that a new workout. Reminded me very much of Bill Clinton's "it depends on what your definition of 'IS' is" line. I already think she's muddying the waters a little by using the new series name 'KickButt' to recycle old titles. But I have a lot of problems with Anna's business practices anyway...and for that reason, I won't be ordering the new workouts.

Personally, if, say, Gin Miller took Pyramid Upper Body and put it in an industrial set, changed the music to techno and used her own background exercisers, I would not consider that "new".

Just my $0.02,
RE: Not a scam...

>But why do you have to "re-make" the old workouts and re-sell
>them as an all new workout? That is what seems like a scam to

Hi Beth. If I remember correctly, they were given a short period of time to create 12 workouts for this company. Apparently, the time frame was too short to come up with 12 brand new workouts with brand new choreography.
I think her last name is Benson. I'll have to check up on that one.

The only workouts I'm planning to buy this year are the Hardcore Series and maybe some short yoga DVDs from Collage.
RE: Not a scam...

>I know people that are in personal contact with Anna's
>ex-husband, Mark--the co-creator of the Original Firm (before
>Good Times got hold of it).

Is this the same 'Medical Mark' on the MUM (Mind Under Muscle)forum who posts abou the FIRM a lot?

Susan L.G.
RE: Not a scam...

I don't know any of these people but just reading all of your comments, this sounds like a real life soap opera. Kind of interesting.
RE: Not a scam...

>>I know people that are in personal contact with Anna's
>>ex-husband, Mark--the co-creator of the Original Firm
>>Good Times got hold of it).
>Is this the same 'Medical Mark' on the MUM (Mind Under
>Muscle)forum who posts abou the FIRM a lot?
>Susan L.G.

One & the same.
RE: Not a scam...

This is being chatted up at the VF Forum. I also see this as a huge soap opera, nothing more valuable than gossipy entertainment at this point. Her previous business practices have left alot to be desired.

You know the old saying..." If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck..."?;)
RE: Not a scam...

Over a week ago I placed an order for two of the original fitprimes as they were going to be removed from stock. There was a two for one DVD sale that ended last week. I posted about it here and another forum member said that she too ordered from the two for one sale and never received her DVDs, even after contacting the company and complaining. I got a little worried after that and am now very concerned as I have not received my order. My credit card was charged and I never recieved a shipping notification email. I have tried to contact the company and you can't. There is a new fitprime site but the "contact us" link is disabled. This doesn't sound legitimate to me. I am going to complain to the better buisness bureau and phone my credit card company up.:-(
RE: Not a scam...

That sounds like typical Anna business practices. But if you call your credit card company they will give you easy instructions on how to write in with your complaint. I had to do that one time and they will remove the charge from your card until the company proves that they mailed you the product. The card companies are very good about protecting you from that.
RE: Not a scam...

OK. I did finally get my two DVDs today..strong bear and fast cheetah. Will let you know what I think of think of them after I do them.

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