Last workout


I have posted a couple of times about my trials and tribulations this last year and hopefully this will be my last. On Monday I am having my 4th surgery this year to fix a digestive problem. I have mixed feelings on this because it should fix the problem for good, hopefully. Anyway it is a fairly rare surgery so I am having trouble researching it. During my pre-op yesterday my PCP said they would be making a "sizable" vertical incision through my abdominal wall since the area they are working on is toward my back. The surgery should be relatively painless as I will have both general anesthesia and an epidural. They are keeping me in the hospital for several days after the surgery to make sure I am doing well and can eat safely before they send me home.

Anyway I am planning my last workout tomorrow for at least 6 weeks. I will be able to walk sooner, but we all know that doesn't hold a candle to Cathe. So which Cathe should I do I have them all.


Hi Shayne,

I'd say to do whichever Cathe is your absolute favorite!

Good luck with the surgery on Monday and keep us posted on how it goes! I'll be sending my positive thoughts your way!:)
Good luck with your surgery on monday. I'll be sending well wishes and good vibes your way. I agree with everyone else do your favorite Cathe!
Shayne, I agree with the others -


And congratulate yourself that you view Cathe's workouts as a treat, rather than a penance.

And good luck with your surgery.

And stay warm.


Good luck Shayne. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Do what is your favorite that challenges you the most...I like DM or total BM2 for an overall challenge..

Take care,

Clarissa ;)

I got the stent in December. While the stent is painful it did relieve the original symptoms which is what we were hoping. Since the medical community doesn't like stents to be in the body they appartently want it out NOW. I was thinking that I would have surgery in mid-Feburuary, but I guess not. The surgeon called me last Monday and said we couldn't wait and I needed to be in his office 8 am Tuesday, which I must say unnerved me. Then on Tuesday he said we needed to get this done right away so it would be on Monday. He wanted me to have it done at the beginning of the week because they needed to watch me in the hospital to make sure I was doing ok after the surgery. They wanted it during the week so the full staff was at the hospital. I have to admit it was much more serious of a surgery than I thought and I spent much of Tuesday crying. I am sad and very, very scared with a some hopeful sprinkled in. It has been a very bad year and I hope this is the end of it. We are spending the weekend getting all of the loose ends wrapped up in the house so we can completely focus on the surgery and the fall out next week. I am glad to have been so busy preparing since Tuesday. I have been so busy trying to rearrange my life and get everything taken care of that I haven't had much time to think, and that is good because every time I do I cry. But I know in a week it will be over and I can work on where I will go from here.

I appreciate everyone's well wishes and thoughts.

Good luck and best wishes. Do your favorite w/o as your last one, and don't push to hard to come back. Cathe'll still be there when you're all the way healed. Speedy recovery vibes coming your way!!

Best wishes on your impending surgery. Take time to recover well.
OK, I will suggest my faves for FUN. C&W and SJP or LowMax for stepping. KPC for a great stress reliever.

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