Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy Question


Has anyone had a Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy?
I just found out from my doctor that I will need to have this procedure due to fibroids. If you have had this procedure how long was the recovery time. Was it painful?
Thank you in advance for any input on this topic.
Hi Diane, I'm new to this board but wanted to jump in here. If you're problem is strictly uterine fibroids, you may want to ask your doctor about a procedure called Uterine Fibroid Embolization which basically kills the fibroids (by cutting off their blood supply) but leaves everything intact. I had this done in November as I wasn't ready to have a complete hysterectomy. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask. It's always a good thing to know all of your options. There is also a lot of info on the internet about it as well. Good luck with whatever treatment you have!
I too have fibroids and would love any info you can provide. I have heard that the pain is severe. Did you find that? How long are you in the hospital, how long is the recovery period, did you see/feel the results quickly? Mine are large enough that I can feel them. Thanks!
Jackie, I've not had the lap. hysterectomy but the fibroid embolization was a piece of cake. The Dr. said there could be some cramping for 2-3 days but I had no pain at all. The hospital stay is overnight. Since I've just had mine done within the past couple of months, there has been a change in the size of my uterus (was equivalent to a 12-week pregnancy). It normally takes about 3 months to see the complete effect. After 1-2 weeks, you are back to 100% and can do anything you want (exercise, abs, etc). I'm not sure about the hysterectomy but I think the recovery time is longer; plus I didn't want to deal with the whole hormone issue!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-03 AT 01:55PM (Est)[/font][p]Oops double post - sorry
Okay - this is probably a stupid question but when you say your uterus was a 12 week size, does that mean that you looked 12 weeks pregnant? If so, have you noticed a reduction in your size after the procedure? TIA
If you can have embolization I would go for it. I didn't have this done as a friend of mine developed a kidney infection and that is something I couldn't risk.

I am at 12 weeks and this time I am planning on having Mirena coil inserted to help with my fibriods. Yes the uterus would be the same size as a pregnant women at 12 weeks.

When I had my surgery I my uterus was around the size of 20 weeks.

According to my doctor, I am also at a 12 week size. Of course it'll only get bigger. I know the rate at which that happens differs. I am scared of surgery. A few months ago, I had an endometrial ablation to control the heavy bleeding. Unfortunately, I didn't have the success I had hoped for, although there was *some* improvement. I can at least leave the house now. My doctor says the ONLY way to get rid of the fibroids permanently is through a hysterectomy. That seems extreme. I've heard of the procedure you describe (but not the Mirena coil) but my doctor feels the fibroids will just return. I would love to know if your stomach ever gets flat again after having the procedure you describe.
Julier, Yes, the only way to guarantee that the fibroids won't come back is to take out the uterus. I was not ready to do that...altho I'm not having any more children, I just didn't want to deal with possible hormone problems (got enough of those as it is!!!). This procedure was so simple and painless that it was worth trying. I probably have another month or 2 before I notice the bleeding completely slowing but the size of my uterus is decreasing. A hysterectomy for me is my absolute last resort...

Here's a little history: Although the embolization procedure has been around forever (it's been used since the 70's to reduce heavy bleeding during childbirth - they found that women who happened to have fibroids that had this done saw a significant decrease in the fibroids), they've just started doing this specifically for fibroids (within in the past 5-6 years). Georgetown University has been a big leader in the research and there is a load of info on the Internet. Good luck!

Sharon C.
Thanks Sharon - my doctor said there wouldn't be any hormone problems given that they would only take the uterus, not the ovaries. It's still drastic IMO. I will do a search and look into this more thoroughly. This is all such a hassle (sigh).

Hi can I just say that I have had friends who have had Hysterectomy and still had problems.

I agree with you Julie it is a drastic step and you have not only the surgery but also coming to terms with this. Personally I will try to keep hold of everything until I really have to for me a Hysterectomy will be a very last resort.


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