Ladies, Muscle and how much is too much?

Corey Everson in her competing years = way too much muscle.
Cathe now = perfect and very sexy!!!

Trevor :)
Is "Swept Away" a new movie? I just saw the Madonna movie where she was a yoga instructor (I'm a little behind with the movies huh?) Anyway I think it was 2 or 3 years old and Madonna looked great in that movie. Was Swept Away before or after the yoga instructor movie?
This is a very subjective question and judgement, as you see by the answers. What is "too much" to some is "just right" or even "not enough" to others. I found that once I got into working out with weights, I prefered a more muscular look than previously (that is, more than the "no muscle" look that graces the covers of some fitness magazines and was popular in the 60's). I'm not into vascularity in women, or extremely low body fat, and still prefer the Rachel McLlish, and especially Gladys Portuguese, look. In the early 80's, Gladys (2x wife of Jean Claude Van Damme) had what I think is the perfect balance of muscle and softness. She looked very feminine, as did many of the early 80's bodybuilders (who had bodies more like "fitness models" today). Another great looking bodbuilder from those days was an asian woman who had a similar look.

About a year ago, I happened upon a women's bodybuildiing contest while channel surfing, and the woman who won repulsed me! She looked like a man in drag. Got to have had some steroid help! The fourth runner up looked much better, IMO, but still "too much". But as I say, it's very subjective. I also prefer Cathe's look from around 1990, which still shows muscle tone, but is softer than now. That's the kind of look I would like to achieve.

As someone else said, to each her/his own! A former secretary in my department, who was a rather plump woman with no visible muscle (and lots of health problems because of a bad diet and no exercise or much physical activity beyond walking to the copy machine and back), once overheard a conversation between myself and a female collegue. The other woman mentioned something about shoulder pads, and I said I wasn't wearing any (all natural, honey!). The secretary said "those aren't shoulder pads?" and for a second, an involuntary grimace crossed her face. She was literally disgusted that I had shoulder muscles! Of course, from my POV, her soft, sloping shoulders were rather unattractive.
Swept Away came after the movie where Madonna played the yoga instructor. I would not waste my time watching it because it was rated the worse movie for that year. Not too many people went to see this movie. I saw the original and I enjoyed it, but Madonna's version did not do well at all.

I am not sure what to think. When I see Cathe and her crew with their shoulders and backs and abs it always makes me go "WOW". Particularly their abs. I like the way Cathe looked in PH. Plus on one intro where she was wearing a dark blue t-shirt.
I like the way Madonna looks too. The way Linda Hamilton looked in T2.
Then again I also like the way YOGA people look. Plus really skinny people. Asian women who are really flat look so amazing in anything it seems. So I have decided that either muscular or skinny works as long as it isn't jelly like my belly!:p
It's not about appearance for me at all anymore. However my muscles look, I say whatever. I've got 3 elderly grandparents (mid 80s) and as I watch them age (some have been physically active and some of them haven't) I've learned a few things. Mostly, I'd like to hit my mid 80s still being able to get on and off the toilet without someone helping me. I think of how one of my grandmothers can no longer do that unassisted whenever I don't feel like doing squats or lunges!

Lisa TV
I think women who don't like the muscular look in other women do not realize how very much men LOVE the muscular look in women. I also think there is some "envy" there because many do not want to go the extra mile to look so good! They would rather starve themselves and/or smoke to lose weight. And if they can afford it, they would rather risk surgery to lose flab the "easy way" rather than put forth the time and effort to work out. The one person I know who had lipscution gained every bit of fat AND MORE back within one year!

I would far rather see Cathe Friedrich and her cast than any rail thin woman on the cover of "Shape" or "Victoria's Secret" catalogues. I have seen Cathe in person and she is NOT overdeveloped -- she is TINY! She was NOT overdeveloped in MIS -- she filmed MIC at the same time. She was if anything at her thinnest. In person, Cedie is tiny as well -- very petite.

Lean muscle is beautiful -- women will NOT overdevelop unless they can produce enough testosterone naturally or take hormones.

I also have a problem with the so-called "Fitness Models" in these magazines for men. I wasn't aware that breast implants made a women suddenly "fit" -- and I find the bodybuilder look revolting. I know a woman who competed locally and she had a voice like a man, a beard, and rough features -- she looked more male than female.

As for the models in magazines like "Shape" -- if they have been weight training it sure doesn't show. Even the most thin woman will show muscle cuts if she is working out regularly. Look at the legs of any gymnast or dancer.

I am darned proud of every muscle cut I have -- it is my reward for hard, hard work! And if I am "Too Vascular" I like it! Especially when I go to the doctor for bloodwork! They never have any trouble finding my veins!

And I think Cathe is beautiful -- I love her body and she is my motivation!
I think that because each individual person is built sooooooo differently, there is not one answer to this. Personally, on my short frame, I think I'd look much too bulky looking like Cathe, however, I think Cathe looks absolutely gorgeous because her muscles look healthy and right on her. Different muscle sizes develop on different people, and if you're healthy, then you look beautiful to me.
Anyone remember the film Pumping Iron Two? I thought that Gladys Portugues looked fantastic. I got her book Hard Bodies and yes, she has muscle, larger than most women but she still looks like a woman. No hard features, no gaunt face, or over "manly" (face or body). It is clear that the ladies of now are using steroids. You cannot get to that size (women) without the aid of steriods. But i think that female bodybuilders do off put women in general from starting a weight training program. Guess they think that after a few sessions of weights they'll find themselves looking like a female bodybuilder! lol ... any of us who weight traing know, it takes a long, long time for muscle to get built (big) and the changes of someone finding themselves with too much muscle mass after only a few weight workouts is like finding were able to play at wimbledon after a couple of tennis lessons!
I love lifting weights and cardio both and I enjoy taking care of myself but I do realize that life will determine my situation, not me. My mother has taken better care of herself better than any woman I know. She was walking 5 miles per day and taking aerobics classes when I was 17 and I couldn't even begin to keep up with her as a teenager.
Unfortunately, arthritis has taken over her knees completely and she is practically disabled some days at 57 years old. She still forces herself to walk some but it's very painful for her.

We can strength train all we want, but we ultimately will not determine if we can get off the potty by ourselves when we are 80.

There is a lot more that will determine our situation in our later age than exercise.

Just my opinion and I feel we are naive if we think our strength training will determine our situation in our 80's. I know a lot of older people with problems that could not be attributed to bad diet or lack of exercise. Not to mention some of those people in their 80's got more exercise per day than you and I will ever get in a lifetime because their jobs (raising 10 kids, etc) were usually far more demanding than the average job these days.

Merry Christmas and flame away!
I just saw Pumpming Iron II this weekend for the first time. I think it was on Trio. I enjoyed the movie. Only one contestant was really manly looking and that was the female from Austraila. She placed last. The female judge said she looked like a man and no woman wants to like that. I thought about this thread as I was watching the movie. Great thread!

Interesting movie, as it was pretty much a "pseudo documentary." The contest that was in it was made up for the movie. Bev Francis (the more manly looking contestant) was definitely played up as one of the nicest people in the contest, while the more feminin Rachel McLish was shown as kind of a byatch. And Lori Bauson's (??) mariage prosal just "happened" to happen during filming?
Speaking of "Pumping Iron 2: the Women," one of the tunes in "Kick, Punch and Crunch," contains the melody of one of the songs in PI2". It's the "Laaa laa la la" part (;-) ) of the song that is played during the low-impact/high-intensity-lunge-into-hammer-punch-then-knee smash" sectionl.
I will have to listen when I do KPC. I can't believe the one workout I could not wait to do will be one of the last ones I do.


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