Labor Day weekend...

RE: Labour Day weekend...

MY SISTER'S BABY IS DUE THIS WEEKEND!! Yep, labour for real. :eek: She lives in Europe so we're all waiting nervously for a phone call any day now. How about that? Irony + pun + good timing...:+ :+
Saturday will be a complete ME day -- Collin is going with his Dad, and DF has to work. I am going to do an extra long workout, then take an extra long nap!

Sunday will be a visit from my mommy and maybe the pool.

Monday will be grilling and visiting with family and friends all day!
Hanging out mostly. My brother's birthday is Saturday and we're going to visit him at some point over the weekend. My DH is technically off but will probably do some work over the weekend.
Saturday for the day-family reunion in northern MI or aka as the Gold Coast.
Sunday-home to clean, rest, relax.
Monday-Schipschewana IN for the flea market.
It's my DH's birthday tomorrow but he still wants to fit in about a half a day of work on some personal projects. I think we're going to start the day off with some yard sales, then work, then celebrate his b-day with some good food, a special b-day cake, an "over the hill" decorated table (he's going to be 40), & the first TN Vols football game at a local pub. They're super people to do all of that for him. We're going to try to fit in some R&R for the rest of the weekend although his mom's b-day is on Sunday so I'm sure we'll meet up with his parents for a meal sometime over the extended holiday weekend. Tonight, I need to go shopping for his mom's gift. Wonder why that's always the wife's responsibility. Oh well... I love to shop & maybe I'll be able to find some things for me too - LOL!
We're taking our boat out w/ friends Saturday and Sunday. Probably cruise Long Island Sound and go clamming one day, cook lobsters on board the next. Monday is our family day at home. We'll be enjoying the last weekend in our pool and eating some awesome barbecue. Sometime during those three days I'll have to fit my workouts in. I can't afford not to if I plan on pigging out!
We just bought a boat, its in San Diego, so we are flying out there this weekend!:7 :7 Yeah, the ocean air makes me very happy. I am planning a very long walk along the water sometime this weekend.
Annette Bethel

On Thursday watched part of the LSU game. Friday I went to the Heathwood Hall and Christ Church Episcopal School games. H2 won,so they got the Episcopal trophy. My friend from Greenville, SC was here in Columbia. It was great seeing her.

Saturday morning kick off of the Football Jamboree at Benedict College with my son Andrew who plays Pee Wee Football. Most of the day spent watching college football, and folding clothes. Dave is putting tile in the kitchen.

Sunday, depending on how I feel, it is either 8:00 Mass at the Episcopal Church or 10:30 at the Catholic Church. Workout and piddle on Sunday.

Monday is CLEMSON! YES, go Clemson!!

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