Kundalini Yoga-so unique and fun!



Hi everyone,
Glad to report that the bum shoulder is on its way to healing-- whew, must be age??? Imagine if we didn't workout!!! Anyway thanks to atgood, murph, and lex for the yoga tape ideas. This shoulder has a positive note in that I am committed to doing yoga regularly. Thanks for the all the yoga posts, they motivate me. I just purchased the Kundalini yoga tape by Living Arts and I love it. Thanks, Lex!! AM/PM Yga are really nice too for a short and effective session-- good for time management. Also got Rodney Yee's Power Yoga 2 Tape set--have not done those yet. Great, great prices at Target so it fit the budget!!
Now I have to save for Cathe's new one(s)---- cannot wait!!!
Take care, and have a wonderful week!!

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