KPC Question


Active Member
Love this workout!!! The only thing is during the ab section I can not YET do the pikes. Does anyone else have this problem? If so what excersies do you sub during this section. I felt like I got cut off short today because I was too wiped out to think of other excersies to do lol! Any suggestion?
I can't do pikes either...I just do the knee in version...I try a pike every now and again...I can do like one or 2 but they aren't the best in form...
Concentrate in initiating the motion in the hips. I know when I first tried these I was using my legs. The ball would go flying across the room and I would wind up on the floor laughing at myself. Think of pushing your butt up toward the ceiling. I hope that makes sense.
You might also try doing the abs first, before the kickboxing. That way, you have your full strength and can really focus on the pikes.
Just did this one on Saturday ...

I can do the pikes -- for a while. I can't do all of them and end up finishing with the modified (roll in, roll out) version.

I suggest that you practice the pikes at some other time, when your arms aren't so worn out from punching. Once you get the hang of it, it's not so difficult. But I find them a lot more challenging when my arms are tired!

And since I do KPC with weighted gloves, my arms are tired by the end!
I agree with everyone's advice to do the pikes first before you're tired. For me the way I started doing them was by just doing other words, contract your abs and concentrate on raising your butt to the sky, even if not much happens at first. (Kind of like straight leg push ups...the best way to do them is to just give it your best shot, even if it's just one or half of one.) For me it was the only way to strengthen the right muscles.

I can't do all of them either, but maybe someday I'll get there!
I have a hard time doing the pikes when I'm exhausted, normally can only do a couple. If I do them earlier in the workout I can bang out quite a few and boy does that feel like an accomplishment!

In fact I just did CM seg 2, and I did all the pikes, I felt strong!
It took me a long while to master the pikes. In the beginning I was pushing with my arms but then realized the movement is from the core. Once I started to concentrate on pulling up from the abs it clicked.

Just keep practicing and you'll get it. :)

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