KPC question


Hi everyone,i'm thinking of purchasing KPC but i'm afraid it might be like Billy Blanks Tae-bo workouts. I don't like them since they are so fast and uncontrolled plus they hurt my back. Is KPC different?

Cathe's is controlled (and you can take the impact / intensity down by not jumping, etc.) and has EVEN REPS on each side. It's easy to modify in terms of time (warm -up, first section w/ stretch, cardio section, the drills (3 different ones), abs, etc. The DVD also has premixed combos of the workout itself AND also incorporating portions of Legs & Glutes.

I like it much more than Tae Bo because of the music, the moves (well-planned, almost choreographed to the music), everything.
Karen, put yourself out of your misery and ORDER KPC }( It's a great workout, with adequate instruction (there is even demonstrations of the kicks before the workout begins) throughout, and tons of energy. It's a definite winner!

And the premixes- those are lifesavers to me!

Don't even compare Billy Blanks Tae Bo and KPC with Cathe. If you're looking for kickbox with proper form and control, KPC is it. You'll also get awesome premixes, Legs and Glutes and its premixes and premixes that combine KPC and L&G. I love it, did it this week.
KPC is one great workout. You'll love it. I think someone else said it, too. There's some great pre-mixes with it, as well. :)

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