KPC or KM?

I did KPC on Fit TV the other day and I take a lot of Kickboxing classes at my gym (love kickboxing}( }( ) and wanted to know if I should buy KPC even though I already did it and really liked it, or buy KM which I haven't tried yet? Which one do you like better? I know I ask a lot of questions about which DVD I should buy, but all of you here know better since everyone here ownes like every Cathe DVD (I'm gettin there) Thanks for any feedback.

It's kind of like comparing apples and oranges. Both have their merits. KM blast challenge drills are awesome. KPC high intensity drills rock & can be mixed w/ L&G for some great premixes. If you do a search you will read lots and lots of opinions. HTH!

“In the beginning there was nothing. God said, 'Let there be light!' And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better.” --Ellen Degeneres
Thanks! I think I'll get Kick Max though. I just previewed the video clip for it and it's longer and alittle harder. And some extra leg work too. But thanks for your help. KPC is a good workout. Maybe I'll still get it, but another time!

For me with KM, my heart rate doesn't really get going until 20 minutes into the workout when Cathe does starts doing some jumping jacks. But I'm always glad for the lower impact up front because the 10 drills are killer tough for me. I think KPC gets the heart rate going much sooner and keeps it up there longer through the workout.
Hi There,

Another vote for KPC. Although Kickmax is okay, I think KPC is harder, and it works the abs a lot better. As far as the aerobic blasts in Kickmax, I feel I can get that with the IMAXes other Cathe workouts, but the feel I get with KPC is unique.

Actually, KP&C is tougher. Kick Max has a great 'blast' segment, but the combos from KP&C are much more intense than those found in KM. However, KM does have a nice leg segment. Get both!
I would definitely go with KPC. Kick Max seems to have more non-kickboxing moves to get the heart rate up. KPC is fun and tough all the way through! Bonus: You also get Legs ang Glutes, a fantastic leg workout!

My favorite Cathe Kickboxing workout is Cardio Kicks. It is older but a great, fun and very challenging workout!
Ok thanks everyone. I'm still indecisive, so I might just get both. I really like the extra leg work in KM, but I do agre with you all that KPC may get me sweatin more, and has good ab work at the end. Thanks for your suggestions!:)

I like KPC much better. I do like the blasts in KM, but the first part of it is slow to me, it would be great to do KPC and then run through some of the blasts on KM.
Accually, now I think I might get both. I heard from soem other people that the first part of KM was too slow for htem, but hte leg conditioning was good. I guess you do sweat harder and work harder in KPC so I think I'll get both and mix up segements between them. Thanks for everyones help!

Well, I seem to be at odds with the general flow of conversation these days, but I actually really like the KM combos and drills, at least when you take some of the pivot out of them (very hard on my ankles). I don't really dig the conditioning drills too much. Perhaps I should try them again.

Anyway, KPC is all-around the better workout, IMO. You'll eventually get both so it probably doesn't matter which order you buy in, but I do think if you're looking for something that is very much a kickbox workout (vs cardio-flavored kickboxing), KPC fits the bill. I actually just finished it a few minutes ago. It still kicks my butt!


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