KPC or Kick MAx?


I have heard good and bad about kick max!

I don't have a high step and I was wondering if you do the squats and stuff in Legs and Glutes, I was just wondering if it was worth my money because I know KPC is good but I just dont really want to pay 45.00 for it!!:):9
kpc/lg dvd is awesome. Kpc is a kickboxing workout that I enjoy alot. It even has abs on stab. ball at the end. L&G has standing and floor legs and gives you a good burn. The best is the premixes both of the have. Oh go ahead and get this! you will not be disappointed!

As far as kickmax, I have it and I love it also. My favorite parts are the blast and definitely the 20min. leg drills at the end.

Hope this helps some!

I love KPC/LG. I don't have Kickmax but have done the leg conditioning drills and blasts from my HC Ex DVD & LOVE that. I think I would like the whole Kickmax. They are just different, IMO. Both good assets!

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

I have both - just got KPC - and I have to say that I like KPC a lot more. The only parts I really like about KM are the blasts and the leg conditioning drills. I was not too impressed with the warm up or the first section. KPC is a lot more fun. If you want the drills and blasts, plus several other great workouts - get Hardcore Extreme. You'll also get all of IMAX3 except the stretch. That one is another one that's worth it.

Legs and Glutes is a fabulous workout. I did it this morning. I used a sturdy stool (about 15" high) for the leg presses, and my 8" step for the rest. My legs are talking to me while I'm sitting here. I can feel every muscle.
Here's another vote for KPC. It's got a lot more actual kickboxing in it than does Kick Max, and the combinations are tougher. I'm not a big fan of Kick Max, but then again, they can't all be our favorites, right? Also, the KPC/Legs & Glutes premixes are great. I'd pay the bit extra and get KPC/LG and save Kickmax for later.


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