KPC or Kick Max

Ok, I was going to get Kick Max and Butts and Guts. Some of you seem to prefer KPC. Will the two I am thinking about give me the same results as KPC and Legs and Glutes? I need some good workouts for my legs, butt, and abs. My upper will build quicker than my lower. So if any of you could give me your input I would love it! Oh, I am also going to get Muscle Max. I wanted to start out with 3 of her videos.


Muscle Max is a fantastic weight training workout, you certainly can't go wrong there.

Kick Max has a fantastic chapter of leg conditioning drills which will help tone your legs, Kick, Punch and Crunch is a tad more intense overall, in my opinion.

I've never done Legs and Glutes or Butts and Guts, so I can't help you there.
Hi Olivia,

I think that you can't go wrong with either choice you make! Either the MM/KM/B&G combo or the MM/KPC/L&G combo will give you some awesome workouts that you'll really love!

I prefer KPC because it's more intense than KM and more fun. KM does have great leg conditioning drills, but the "blast" section is WAY too high impact for me. (Me knees are always killing me after that).

I would recommend getting KPC (with Legs and Glutes) and Butts and Gutts. They're both awesome and have phenomenal lower body and abdominal work.

I agree with Allison, go for KPC/L&G. I LOVE kickboxing, and while KM has excellent leg drills, honestly, the drills and the warm up are the only parts of the workout that I use (totaling 28 minutes). IMHO, the KM combos are "eh" in term of fun and intensity while the blasts are way too high impact for my knees also, and not very kickbox-y.

If you can afford B&G, it's hands down fantastic for your LB and abs, but has no upper body work. (Cathe uses different exercises than she does in L&G.) If you want to get a whole body workout, MM is excellent. Down the road, I recommend PUB/PLB--both are great workouts. HTH!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Ok, you ladies have made me change my mind. I'm going to go with KPC/L&G and B&G. I was only going to buy 3 so that's what I will start with. I have P90X and I will do that for upper body. I'm so excited to start these. It's so nice to have women who buy lots of workout videos. My husband always wonders when I'm going to stop buying them. Uh-Oh, now I've found Cathe and boy does she have a library to choose from.:D

Thanks for all of your suggestions!

>Ok, you ladies have made me change my mind. I'm going to go
>with KPC/L&G and B&G. I was only going to buy 3 so that's
>what I will start with. I have P90X and I will do that for
>upper body. I'm so excited to start these. It's so nice to
>have women who buy lots of workout videos. My husband always
>wonders when I'm going to stop buying them. Uh-Oh, now I've
>found Cathe and boy does she have a library to choose from.:D
>Thanks for all of your suggestions!

Oh, yes, Cathe's workouts are SO addictive! But I always tell my husband that it's a good, HEALTHY addiction, right?!;-)

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