KPC/Legs& Glutes 82 Min. Premix--Ouch!


Alright, I know that there have been millions of threads about this, but I just needed to complain in my own thread. Holy crap, I did this premix for the first time on Wednesday and I am still in so much pain I can barely walk! Severe, severe DOMS all through my inner thighs and butt it's insane. I forced myself to workout last night thinking it might help loosen me up and stretch out, but this morning I am in (if possible) even more pain than yesterday! Ouch, ouch, ouch!! Anyone else experience this?

You're not alone! In my case leg DOMS lasts for a few days whenever I do a new leg workout. A hot soak in the Jacuzzi (or bathtub) and plenty of ibuprofen should help.

I'll have to try this workout. I have Kenpo and Legs and Back on schedule for this weekend. Maybe I'll combine the two and do this premix tomorrow, with some pull ups thrown in. This way I'll get it over with and can take Sunday off. I've heard so many "good" things about this premix lately. Now I'm very curious!

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