KPC - Back issues???


Anyone experiencing and mid back problems with this workout? I did it Monday about 6AM and was fine until about 8PM when my back suddenly was very tight. Then I did it again this morning and noticed the tightness in the back muscles after starting the warm up punches. I went through the routine Ok but I was wondering since I'd done it without problems before and didn't feel like my form was off this time??? I was OK doing PUB yesterday so it's not slowing me done as much as bugging me.


Hi gizmo,

Kickboxing workouts in general tend to get me in the lower back - I have a history of lower back issues. I usually have to stop a few times in both KPC and Powerstrike to stretch some of the tightness out.

Since this just seems to be muscle tightness for you, you might try incorporating more stretching into your post-KPC workout. Hope this helps.
I ALWAYS have back pain after KPC. It's not injury pain but its definitely hard for me to do a strength workout the next day. My husband always groans when I tell him I'm going to do KPC because I complain so much the next day. I've tried not punching as hard but it doesn't make a difference, I think it's all the repetions that are causing the soreness.

I've seen great definition in my back and arms from KPC so I don't see myself retiring this w/o anytime soon.

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