

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Dec-25-99 AT 05:50PM (EST)</font></center>

LAST EDITED ON Dec-25-99 AT 05:49 PM (EST)

I have been having very sore knees after finishing
Maximum intensity strength or the Strong legs and Abs tapes. Am I doing something wrong? I am very careful about form, making sure I keep my knees over my ankles, fanny back, etc. but end up hurting afterwards.
Also, I had to give up running (10 miles each run ) because of severe stomach cramping (runners trots). Occasionally, I get crampy after one of your intensive step workouts like interval max or maximum intensity cardio...what causes that???
Thank you....please make more interval tapes and strength tapes...I really enjoy them.
Cathe, my goal is to be at your fitness level... I realize fitness is a lifelong journey and one continues to improve throughout life, but, I really would like to know your workout routine...what do you do daily, how long etc.. Do you use machines? Do you alternate cardio and strengh days? How long for each and what do you do?
Thank you so much
If your knees have been very sore after doing MIS and PS Strong legs/abs, especially after you said that you have tuned into your form, then maybe you are using more weight than what your body can handle. Or perhaps you are doing too many activities that are high stress on the knees without incorporating enough recovery time in between. Just some thoughts. I would suggest staying away from all activites that aggrivate your knees for a two week period, and then come back to them at half the weight you were originally using. If you are achey in the knees after that, then you should take one more week off and(again)resume with half of the weight you originally were using. If you still do not see an improvement after attempting this rest/recovery/light weight return method for a third time, then I would suggest seeing your doctor for an evaluation.

For the cramping that you mention, it may be a side stitch. We have actually had many threads in the past on side stitches and what causes them. I would suggest running a search on the forum under "side stitches" and read those threads. They should be very helpful to you. If you are not sure how to run a search, please just post again or email me.

As for my pre-pregnancy fitness routine, I don't really have one set routine. Aside from teaching my classes, I try to lift different ways, or different days and for different lengths of times. Although I have found that I do prefer lifting heavier and focusing on one body part at a time, I still occasionally lift lighter and/or do total body workouts as opposed to the one body part. Sometimes I will do all cardio one day and all strength the next and other times I will do a little of both on the same day. I like to encourage everyone to find what works best with their own genetics. Some people find that they get better results when they change their routines around drastically with entirely new activities for a certain periods of time while others find that it is better for them when they only make subtle changes to their workouts over periods of time. The key thing is to make some change whether small or large, to crosstrain and constantly stimulate your muscles and also help prevent injury. Hope this helps.
thank you

Many thanks. Maybe I should realize these are 50 year old knees that have had a few bangs skiing etc. over the years and give them a break from real heavy weights for awhile. I will do a search about side stitches.
Thanks again!!!!

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