knee's & general questions


New Member
Can anyone tell me if the right shoe really does make a difference? What exactely is the right shoe for step aerobics? Any preference to type? Will a knee brace help my knee's from hurting? (I've noticed since I've started the step videos very regularly, that my knees hurt more). Also, I really, REALLY need to get one of the club steps...I have one that I didn't realize was so much shorter. Does anyone know where they might sell them resale? (I constantly check play it again, with no luck) Will this step help the impact?

So many questions....;-)

Thanks in all are great!
Can't answer on the shoes, but I used to wear a knee brace when I skiied because my knees would ache so much by the end of the day. I read somewhere that while a brace may guard the knee, it's not a good idea to depend on one because the brace may eventually weaken the knee. A good way I avoid knee pain is to do a thorough warmup and cooldown. Quad stretches help me tremendously. Also floor work, such as the floor work on PS Legs, helps strengthen the muscles around my knees, and has kept the pain at bay.

Re: a step. I find step aerobics to be easier on my joints than hi-lo or kickboxing, but others may disagree. Many people have found used steps at garage sales and the like, but I think it's a matter of luck and tenacity! Walmart has a pretty good reasonably priced step if you want to get a new one.
Leslie, thank you for pointing out another benefit of floorwork! I just did the PS leg floorwork only, yesterday, and my knee did bother me once last week. So I treated it without even knowing it.

To the first poster, try praying about the step, and be patient, and one will come to you. Anyway that happened to me. My DH made me a step and it was such a sweet gesture but really I might have killed myself on it. We didn't have lots of cash and I didn't want to hurt his feelings. With a conflict like this, prayer is the only answer (humorous yet true) and that's my story. Good luck finding a step!

Try Craig's list- I'm in Calif. but I think it's national- That's where I found my club step for $5.00 right near my home, in a garage, practically new.


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