Knees: free weights vs. nautilus - need experienced opinions


Hi - I have wimpy knees, plain and simple, and they don't like me. I've been working out since high school and I'm 36 now, so it's not like I'm a newbie at this. But in my earlier years, I expect I did not treat my knees very well. Hence - wimpy knees.

Anyhow, I've been doing the same basic weight routine for years now and have decided, after reading all these posts, that it is high time to increase my leg exercises.

I have a weight bench and free weights,including a barbell. I love squats. I tried to increase them by a mere 12 reps yesterday, and this morning both knees are aching like mad. I am wondering if there is a way to work the glutes and backs of the legs effectively without putting too much strain on the old knees. Might a gym offer some alternatives?

See, if the knees go, then I can't do aerobics, and I will just die!:)

Thank you!
Oh dear. I'm sorry. I posted this in the wrong forum. I"ll move it to open discussion!


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