Please allow me to whine, vent, and beg for some advice....
So during the summer, since I'm not working, I really focus on getting back in shape. I've cleaned up my diet, worked out 6 days a week, and tried to be very conscious of my 35 year-old knees. I thought I did a pretty good job until I went for a 35 min. moderate walk and had a sore knee the next day. I decided it wasn't that sore, and did the step portion of BM2 (yeah, I know. Not the smartest thing to do, but at least it's wasn't an Imax!) All this happened July 29th. It's now, what? 11 days later, and my left knee still hurts.
Since then I haven't done any lower body anything, no walking, no step, no weight workouts, no nothing since the 30th. I've done all the steps which were suggested to me when I went to see a doctor about my runner's knee six years ago- elevated, ice, ibuprofen (6 of them throughout the day), and resting it. Result= no change. I started the ice, elevation, and ibuprofen this Sunday.
I've had arthritis since I was in high school, and the pain would cause me to curl up in the fetal position and cry for hours. It was that dull, ache that would last for hours and hours. So, I know that I don't have the best knees. All those high school sports are coming back to haunt me! I learned to live with it and pretty much stop it before it happened with ibuprofen.
But this pain is different. It doesn't feel like arthritis pain or the "knife in the knee cap" pain like when I injuried my knee six years ago. It feels like my knee isn't stable, has a dull pain that feels like when you need to pop something (that full feeling), and feels like a pinched nerve (but a dull, not sharp) pain when I bend it all the way up (especially when I have the leg on its side and bend it). it doesn't hurt when I touch it or just sit.
So, I'm at a loss here. I don't know how long to wait before I go to the doctor. I really don't want to go and have him tell me to do the same thing I've been doing since Sunday (rest, ice...). But I realize that it's my knee. I don't plan on not being active anytime soon, although I have realized that I may just not ever be able to jog or run again. I'm just worried that he might tell me that I won't be able to do anything I like.
All of this makes me very sad and I've been feeling sorry for myself all week. I WANT to be healthy, and besides my left knee, I'm very happy with the way I look and feel. (While in a Bone Daddy's BBQ place where the waitresses wear next to nothing- think Hooters- I was even given a huge compliment by an acquaintance that I'm in better shape than the 20 year-old waitresses! Now, that made my day!) So, why should I have bad knees?! Why not someone who sits around and eats fast food and doesn't care? Why are they "wasting" good knees? I know. Sounds harsh. This just really, really sucks! Will I only be able to swim? I haven't done any swimming in years, and don't belong to a gym.
If you've made it this far, THANKS! If you have any idea what could be the cause of my knee issue, I would love some help.
So during the summer, since I'm not working, I really focus on getting back in shape. I've cleaned up my diet, worked out 6 days a week, and tried to be very conscious of my 35 year-old knees. I thought I did a pretty good job until I went for a 35 min. moderate walk and had a sore knee the next day. I decided it wasn't that sore, and did the step portion of BM2 (yeah, I know. Not the smartest thing to do, but at least it's wasn't an Imax!) All this happened July 29th. It's now, what? 11 days later, and my left knee still hurts.
Since then I haven't done any lower body anything, no walking, no step, no weight workouts, no nothing since the 30th. I've done all the steps which were suggested to me when I went to see a doctor about my runner's knee six years ago- elevated, ice, ibuprofen (6 of them throughout the day), and resting it. Result= no change. I started the ice, elevation, and ibuprofen this Sunday.
I've had arthritis since I was in high school, and the pain would cause me to curl up in the fetal position and cry for hours. It was that dull, ache that would last for hours and hours. So, I know that I don't have the best knees. All those high school sports are coming back to haunt me! I learned to live with it and pretty much stop it before it happened with ibuprofen.
But this pain is different. It doesn't feel like arthritis pain or the "knife in the knee cap" pain like when I injuried my knee six years ago. It feels like my knee isn't stable, has a dull pain that feels like when you need to pop something (that full feeling), and feels like a pinched nerve (but a dull, not sharp) pain when I bend it all the way up (especially when I have the leg on its side and bend it). it doesn't hurt when I touch it or just sit.
So, I'm at a loss here. I don't know how long to wait before I go to the doctor. I really don't want to go and have him tell me to do the same thing I've been doing since Sunday (rest, ice...). But I realize that it's my knee. I don't plan on not being active anytime soon, although I have realized that I may just not ever be able to jog or run again. I'm just worried that he might tell me that I won't be able to do anything I like.
All of this makes me very sad and I've been feeling sorry for myself all week. I WANT to be healthy, and besides my left knee, I'm very happy with the way I look and feel. (While in a Bone Daddy's BBQ place where the waitresses wear next to nothing- think Hooters- I was even given a huge compliment by an acquaintance that I'm in better shape than the 20 year-old waitresses! Now, that made my day!) So, why should I have bad knees?! Why not someone who sits around and eats fast food and doesn't care? Why are they "wasting" good knees? I know. Sounds harsh. This just really, really sucks! Will I only be able to swim? I haven't done any swimming in years, and don't belong to a gym.
If you've made it this far, THANKS! If you have any idea what could be the cause of my knee issue, I would love some help.