Knee Pain


Active Member
HI all.
I have some comments and questions. I have been struggling to get in really good shape for about two years now. At first, I was doing aerobics at the gym with really bad shoes. My feet became very sore but I thought they would get used to it. I ended up with Plantar Fascitis. I finally got over that after therapy and about 6 months off high impact anything. Then, I started running. I started out walking and gradually increased to running. I noticed that my shins hurt a lot but once again I though I would get used to it. I didn't. They finally got so bad I had to take off for 3 or 4 months. Then, I discovered Cathe tapes. I started doing Cathe tapes and the shin pain returned. I went to a podiatrist and got custom orthotics for my shoes. This helped. I let the shin pain heal and then I ordered the CTX series. I also ordered some shock absorbing pads from Now, I have been doing the CTX series for about 3 weeks. I am now having no heel pain, no shin pain but my knees hurt. I did the legs tape on Saturday and I've been hurting ever since. Both knees hurt but mostly my right knee. They especially hurt when sitting for long time. So, what do I do? I haven't seen a doctor for it. I can't get into really good shape because I keep getting all these little pains and injuries. I don't want to have chronic knee problems but I also want to be in good shape. I figured the CTX series would be perfect because the cardio sections aren't as long. Should I take off for a while to heal. I know it will just come back when I start back. Anyone with these types of problems? I desperately want to loose 15 pounds. It seems that regardless of my diet and exercise, I weigh the same. My clothes fit all tight and it doesn't get better. I can eat cany bars every day or salads and fish but my size stays the same. I am getting really bummed about it. I try to say that it doesn't matter but I have gained 15 pounds in the past year. I've gone from a 4 to a 10 in pants and the 10's are getting snug. What to do? I've had my thyroid checked. Any suggestions on the knee thing or my size? Will my knees get used to it or is it another problem waiting to happen? Thanks in advance!
I'm so sorry for all your setbacks. It's very frustrating to have such good intentions and then have to stop exercising because of pain. I'm not an expert or even particularly advanced, but I can tell that you really need to see a doctor about these accumulating problems. Once you rule out any medical difficulties, maybe it would help to make a couple of appointments with a personal trainer to make sure your form is good. I have never done this, but have read that this has helped many others. The last suggestion I have is that maybe you are jumping into each new type of exercise with too much intensity right away. Try working slowly to gain intensity and add time and it might help. Just a few ideas.
I can relate

I too have had knee problems, shin problem, groin problems and probably will have them off an on. I'm almost 49 (not sure how old you might be) so that is also part of my equation. I started having knee pain about 3 years ago when I started running. Now after about the same amount of Physical T. and help from a Personal trainer on my gait I'm running again pretty much pain free. But I really listen to my body and do what the experts are telling me. I'm running on a treadmill, (they are cushioned) yesterday I ran 3 1/4 miles. (When I get out on the road I feel it more. But that's my goal.) So I'm not doing too bad. I have recently started using again one of Cathe's tapes once a week. PowerMax. Even though I love it I find my knees not liking it. I can't use the height they do. even though my cardio is up to it my knees aren't. CTX is even harder on the body. Beware.

I agree with what Freda told you. You want to educate yourself as much as you can. This forum is a good start. Are you stretching before and after you work out. I stretch way more then Cathe's tapes do. She probably does as well when she's on her own. I've been using a new kind of stretching called Active Isolated stretching or "AI". I really like the results. If you could hook up with both a Physical T. and a Personal Trainer and have them work together with you that would be the best. Here where I live a Personal trainer is less expensive and they seem to take me beyond just the exercises for healing. But above all don't get discourage and take care of that body of yours. If you treat it well it will treat you well. But it takes self control, and discipline. especially when you want results now. But if your like me you will want to be fit forever. Lora
Sorry to hear about your frustrations. Don't give up. If you keep at it and don't worry about the scale or inches, you'll eventually see results. Let's face it: what's really important is your HEALTH, not how you look in a bathing suit. A strong, healthy woman is beautiful, no matter what her "size." Enuf said. I used to run marathons and had to give it up because of piriformis syndome (believe me, not a fun thing). Anyway, when I was running, I had a knee problem similiar to yours and saw a doctor. Turns out I had bursitis in my knee. He put me on meds and I was OK within a week or so. One way to help keep yourself injury-free is to strengthen your legs. Cathe's strength tapes are perfect for that, so I suggest you break out Leaner (MEANER) Legs and get to it! I like the PS Legs tape, too. Keep flexible, too. STRETCH. Be careful to land toe-ball-heel when doing aerobics, too. Cathe reminds us of that during tapes and it's excellent advice. Good luck and keep your eye on the long-term benefits of exercise. Suzanna

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