knee pain


Active Member
hi cathe!
i'm having more and more pain in my knees. not necessarily when working out. but almost any time that i bend or squat. while exercising its worse when i do the lunge exercises. i watch so that i don't go beyond a 90 degree angle with my legs. i have arthritis and thought that maybe that was getting worse but my husband suggested that maybe i shouldn't go even to a 90 degree angle when working my legs. after saturday's workouts and the end results, i'm beginning to wonder if he isn't right. can you or someone make suggestions? i don't want to have pain as a result of exercising. i love it and believe in it too much. thank you , joetta
Hi Joetta! If your knees are really bothering you to the point of discomfort during daily activities (non-workout related), it is time to have them looked at by your doctor. He/she will most likely refer you to a specialist or physical therapist who will direct you further. They may simply suggest modifications for you or have advice specific to their findings.

For now I would take a couple of days off and let the inflammation go down. Working out on top of existing pain is only going to exasperate the problem. Good Luck and definitely have your knees checked out

HI Joetta,
I am a sports medicine physical therapist and work with patients with knee pain all the time. Without seeing you perform your workout it's hard to tell you exactly what you should do, but I can give you some general advice. The following are the most common faults that I see in my patients. Often times, people are very careful not to go beyond 90 degrees with their lunges and squats, but it is equally important to watch that the knee does not go toward the inside as well. The knee should stay exactly above your ankle--use your hip and buttock muscles to do this. I would also modify the depth of your lunges and squats to about 75 degrees instead of 90. Perhaps to decrease your step to 6 inches for a period of time. Lastly, some good arch supports can really help to align your knee and alleviate your pain. Good luck!:)
HI Joetta,
I am a sports medicine physical therapist and work with patients with knee pain all the time. Without seeing you perform your workout it's hard to tell you exactly what you should do, but I can give you some general advice. The following are the most common faults that I see in my patients. Often times, people are very careful not to go beyond 90 degrees with their lunges and squats, but it is equally important to watch that the knee does not go toward the inside as well. The knee should stay exactly above your ankle--use your hip and buttock muscles to do this. I would also modify the depth of your lunges and squats to about 75 degrees instead of 90. Perhaps to decrease your step to 6 inches for a period of time. Lastly, some good arch supports can really help to align your knee and alleviate your pain. Good luck!:)
thank you for the advise. i'll certainly try that and then maybe i'll have to see a dr. if nothing changes. we'll see! thanks, joetta!
thank you for the advise. i'll certainly try that and then maybe i'll have to see a dr. if nothing changes. we'll see! thanks, joetta!
Cathe is RIGHT. Go see a doctor. You may be able to do things now to prevent damaging your knees (good form, vitamins, physical therapy, avoiding certain moves or sports). I'm speaking from personal experience. Ignoring your problem now could lead to disability in your future. Please don't wait.


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