KM Leg Conditioning Drills - Results of Regular Use?


Today I did the Cardio Conditioning Premix of KPC followed by the Leg Conditioning Drills of KM. Whenever I do those leg drills, I think, man, these are great; I should be doing them more, so I've decided to add this little mish-mosh once a week to my current rotation.

Has anyone done these drills regularly enough to notice results?
Hi Susan :) I've been thinking exactly the same thing about these drills. They're just excellent...and I'm curious also if anyone's had results doing them, say 2 or 3x a week, for a while?
I've been tacking them on to my Weds and Sat workouts for three weeks now, and have noticed a difference already. I've still got a ways to go to get to Cathe's level, but I can go longer without breaks during that first segment, and now do all the single kick drills without holding onto the chair. I also alternate the starting leg each time: Weds I start with my left side (opposite Cathe), and Sat I start with my right side.

RE: KM Leg Conditioning Drills - Results of Regular Use...

Sandra, sounds like you're making progress! That's a good idea about alternating the starting leg. I do that with the lying side lifts in PLB.

I'm going to do this for at least four weeks and report back with my progress. My current rotation concentrates on upper body strength, but it includes a full leg workout, MM and now this kickbox combo to make sure I get enough leg work. My legs/glutes respond well to all types of training. My upper body, on the other hand, is S-L-O-W to progress.

Thanks for the replies, everyone!:)
I bought KM exclusively for this section. I'm planning to add this section to my other kickboxing DVDs once or twice a week. I'm still waiting for KM to arrive though.

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