KM-bad form or new shoes


Did the whole KickMax today. The bottoms of my feets from ball to heel hurt, and hurt during most of the workout. Stretching my feet didn't help. Maybe I have weak foot muscles since I have been focused more on weightlifting than cardio for a bit now. Or maybe something is telling me to get some new shoes.
I would say it's the shoes! I've never had the bottom of my feet hurt unless I wear bad shoes, sandals for a long walk etc. especially when doing hardcore series. :)
Hey! Me too, I felt like my forefoot was going numb from being on the balls of my feet so much. I am thinking it might just take some time to get accustomed to the workout, because I know my shoes are good. I was also thinking that it could have been the surface, since I was on carpet without much padding.
Anyway just thought I would let you know I'm sharing your pain.
Thanks. I too was on a carpet/rug that isn't the plushest. I made sure not to do any of the turns since I didn't want to catch a knee or ankle. I'm getting some new shoes just in case though. They have been through a lot lately :) I think I remember having some foot adjustments with KPC too.
Hi Traci! Your shoes could be a contributing factor along with other things.

Since its been a while for you, take your time and let your body get acclimated to the workout. If this is a new style to you, you are about to discover little tight and tender spots emerge all over your body within the next 48 hours, yikes! Good news is you will most likely never be as sore as the first time (unless of course you don't do the workout for a very long time again).

As for your feet, there is a lot of balance required during the kickbox combo's and the leg conditioning drills. This means that all of the little muscles and bones of your feet work overtime trying to help you maintain your balance. Combine that with the impact of the intensity blast section and your little tootsies have played a big role for you today.

Try a foot massage, maybe new shoes, a day or two off of activities that are "foot" demanding, and see how you feel.

Take Care!

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