Cathe - I need some advice on what videos would be a good purchase for me. I have absolutely no coordination, but need something high intensity. I love the choreography in Low Max because I was actually able to figure it out and not get frustrated (and even that took a month or two of doing the video several times a week before I could get all the way through without tripping). I have the All Step video and tried for weeks to get that down but end up on my rear more than my feet (even if I take it down to a 4 inch step). I am just not coordinated, but I am athletic (I figure skate). I was recommended from others on this forum for Kick Max, which I found out after getting it thanks to a groin injury late last year I can no longer kickbox as it bothers my groin on the side kicks. I was also reccomended Maximum Intensity Cardio but that is on backorder. Is there anything you can recommend that will have very high intensity cardio or cardio/intensity blasts without too complicated choreography?
Thank You,
Thank You,