Well, we've moved to the check-in category, but since the rotation was a sort of diary not only of my workouts, but of my adventures in writing and working out, as well, have decided to continue to post my planned rotations and how they are going.
This week it was a Sprint 8 on Monday, ME on Tuesday, my new Turbo Jams on Wednesday and today am planning the sculpting workout with the Turbo Jams -- I may chicken out however since I haven't done any other strength workouts except Cathe since I discovered her. Was injuring myself on other workouts and then came to Cathe and I guess it's her constant reminder on form that did it -- I stopped injuring myself and haven't done any other strength workouts with anyone else since Cathe -- so to try the sculpting workout with the TJ's is a reach for me -- and one I might not do since I'm under heavy and strict deadline for the next book.
Today is also my anniversary -- our 10 year anniversay -- and I don't really want to injure myself today of all days.
Interestingly enough, have noticed that I've put on weight since I have returned from tour -- I think the reason is that while on tour, I have only certain foods I can eat since I don't trust eating out at restaurants -- not with all the things that are being done to food nowadays -- the genetic modification, not to mention irradiation of food -- actually using radiation to "purify" the food and calling it pastaurization (am sure that's misspelled but can't think right now of the correct spelling). So I carry my own food -- most all raw -- make my own protein bars and basically live on the cuff when I'm on the road -- but here I am at home, where I can make all kinds of foods that I know and love -- like homemade ice cream...
So it appears as if I'm going to have to watch it as the weight is creeping up there -- which is never fun.
Anyway, must get back to work -- have 85,000 words to write and not much time in which to write it.
Interestingly enough, an unpublished writer friend of mine came over last night and she was talking about writing and all kinds of rules for it and themes and all this stuff that kind of spun me a bit -- goodness, if I had to think of all that when I was writing, I wouldn't write. I simply start the book and tell the story I'm being paid to tell. Plot devises and themes and all these subplot things she was talking about -- I looked at her and said, "What are you talking about?" You simply tell a story.
Well, anyway, have gotten off the track of exercise a bit here -- but think I've convinced myself that I'll do Supersets today -- since I don't want to chance an injury.
Okay, well, over, under, Roger, and out.:7
This week it was a Sprint 8 on Monday, ME on Tuesday, my new Turbo Jams on Wednesday and today am planning the sculpting workout with the Turbo Jams -- I may chicken out however since I haven't done any other strength workouts except Cathe since I discovered her. Was injuring myself on other workouts and then came to Cathe and I guess it's her constant reminder on form that did it -- I stopped injuring myself and haven't done any other strength workouts with anyone else since Cathe -- so to try the sculpting workout with the TJ's is a reach for me -- and one I might not do since I'm under heavy and strict deadline for the next book.
Today is also my anniversary -- our 10 year anniversay -- and I don't really want to injure myself today of all days.
Interestingly enough, have noticed that I've put on weight since I have returned from tour -- I think the reason is that while on tour, I have only certain foods I can eat since I don't trust eating out at restaurants -- not with all the things that are being done to food nowadays -- the genetic modification, not to mention irradiation of food -- actually using radiation to "purify" the food and calling it pastaurization (am sure that's misspelled but can't think right now of the correct spelling). So I carry my own food -- most all raw -- make my own protein bars and basically live on the cuff when I'm on the road -- but here I am at home, where I can make all kinds of foods that I know and love -- like homemade ice cream...
So it appears as if I'm going to have to watch it as the weight is creeping up there -- which is never fun.
Anyway, must get back to work -- have 85,000 words to write and not much time in which to write it.
Interestingly enough, an unpublished writer friend of mine came over last night and she was talking about writing and all kinds of rules for it and themes and all this stuff that kind of spun me a bit -- goodness, if I had to think of all that when I was writing, I wouldn't write. I simply start the book and tell the story I'm being paid to tell. Plot devises and themes and all these subplot things she was talking about -- I looked at her and said, "What are you talking about?" You simply tell a story.
Well, anyway, have gotten off the track of exercise a bit here -- but think I've convinced myself that I'll do Supersets today -- since I don't want to chance an injury.
Okay, well, over, under, Roger, and out.:7