KK's May Rotation


Well, we've moved to the check-in category, but since the rotation was a sort of diary not only of my workouts, but of my adventures in writing and working out, as well, have decided to continue to post my planned rotations and how they are going.

This week it was a Sprint 8 on Monday, ME on Tuesday, my new Turbo Jams on Wednesday and today am planning the sculpting workout with the Turbo Jams -- I may chicken out however since I haven't done any other strength workouts except Cathe since I discovered her. Was injuring myself on other workouts and then came to Cathe and I guess it's her constant reminder on form that did it -- I stopped injuring myself and haven't done any other strength workouts with anyone else since Cathe -- so to try the sculpting workout with the TJ's is a reach for me -- and one I might not do since I'm under heavy and strict deadline for the next book.

Today is also my anniversary -- our 10 year anniversay -- and I don't really want to injure myself today of all days.

Interestingly enough, have noticed that I've put on weight since I have returned from tour -- I think the reason is that while on tour, I have only certain foods I can eat since I don't trust eating out at restaurants -- not with all the things that are being done to food nowadays -- the genetic modification, not to mention irradiation of food -- actually using radiation to "purify" the food and calling it pastaurization (am sure that's misspelled but can't think right now of the correct spelling). So I carry my own food -- most all raw -- make my own protein bars and basically live on the cuff when I'm on the road -- but here I am at home, where I can make all kinds of foods that I know and love -- like homemade ice cream...

So it appears as if I'm going to have to watch it as the weight is creeping up there -- which is never fun.

Anyway, must get back to work -- have 85,000 words to write and not much time in which to write it.

Interestingly enough, an unpublished writer friend of mine came over last night and she was talking about writing and all kinds of rules for it and themes and all this stuff that kind of spun me a bit -- goodness, if I had to think of all that when I was writing, I wouldn't write. I simply start the book and tell the story I'm being paid to tell. Plot devises and themes and all these subplot things she was talking about -- I looked at her and said, "What are you talking about?" You simply tell a story.

Well, anyway, have gotten off the track of exercise a bit here -- but think I've convinced myself that I'll do Supersets today -- since I don't want to chance an injury.

Okay, well, over, under, Roger, and out.:7
My workout journal

Friday: Today it's IMAX2 for me. Gained a little weight -- not yesterday, but from previous days -- know it's cause I'm eating more because I'm finally home from tour. Will keep the workouts in -- don't expect to lose weight because of them -- but I do think they help to keep weight off -- and I know the anaerobic workouts help to stimulate that wonderful HGH hormone, that I'm hoping will keep me looking young.

Good day of writing. Time to workout now, however.
It's been a rather unusual day. Had some bad news given me this morning, which has put a damper on the day. Haven't been able to concentrate at work -- and when you're trying to write sweet, little romances, it's hard.

Instead of the Sprint 8, I switched to a walk and then the first stretch on Stretch Max. Figured I'd just switch Monday's workout to Wednesday, instead. On the up side the contest I was running on my website is done and the winners names drawn -- so that's some good news and of course I had some things come today from my catalogue shopping and so that's fun, too.

Am hoping to catch my breath and still get some work done and then to bed early, up early and more writing, writing, writing. The exercises help on days like today to get my attention centered on what must be done.

That's all for now. Our cat, who has been sick seems to be recovering somewhat -- she's an old cat and we haven't know what's wrong and so have been doing nutritional things in general, and it appears she is responding well. She's also a fighter and is sitting here besie me right now. :)

This is pretty much a diary of my workouts and problems concerning them while under deadline and so there's no one else posting here at the moment -- but for anyone reading this anyway, have a good day.:7
Continuing in this diary style mode, it was a pretty good day today. Spent about 50 minutes working out -- did a Sprint 8 -- but work came rather difficult today for some reason, lots of procrastination -- as though I have time for that.

Need to drink more water, take a bit of salt now and again and see if this helps me to concentrate. I know that when I'm under stress, I tend to get dehydrated -- and the only thing that usually helps that is more water, and a bit of salt here and there.

Tomorrow was planning Supersets, but am still sore from yesterday's ME workout. Will see first thing in the morning if I've recovered enough to do another workout like this. If I'm not feeling up to par, I might opt to do the new TJ's cardio workout or Cathe's KPC.

Well, that's all for now. Did a bit of research today -- mostly in pictures -- trying to find the right picture for the right scene that I'm writing. Think tomorrow I should be able to write more -- I hope so.

So it's off to get prepared for bed and up early tomorrow, I hope.

That's all for now.:7
More diary stuff.

When under deadline, I tend to eat more and drink less water. So here I am putting on a few pounds. Am going to try to get the upper hand with this and drink a bit more water and eat a little less.

Up early this morning to write but many interruptions -- from the cats fighting to...well, just life and livingness. Am so happy to be home from the tour, that sometimes, it's just hard for me to concentrate on work. But I must do it. Book is due and can't be late -- and once I get into it -- I so love writing.

Haven't worked out yet -- am planning KPC -- one of the premixes. It's funny. I read all these great things about these other workouts and I so want to try them. Ordered the TJ's and love them, but love Cathe more -- only because I don't injure myself with her workouts -- again, she talks so much form -- and she has such a good variety -- not only strength, but cardio, anaerobics -- real anaerobics -- not just a minute or two -- stretching, warm up before and after workout -- but no stretching until the body is warm. That is also so important. Also plyometrics, which are so important, especially as one ages -- and I'm getting up there, much to my chagrin.

As think as time goes on and I become more confident of my form and my ability to know what's what with exercise and how to perform each exercise with complete good form, I'll go onto other workouts from other people, as I must admit that it is fun to do something different once in a while.

But for now, until I'm so confident of my own form and ability, I think I'll stay with what I know works for me -- and add other workouts in here and there -- like those wonderful TJ's.

Just my thoughts again on this diary-type of post. Must get to work.
No workout today -- day off.

Yesterday was DH's birthday and so I overate, but didn't put on weight because of it -- so that is good. Am thinking that for me it seems the key to my weight loss is to just cut back on what I'm eating, a little less here and there -- and keep the workouts up. Seems to work best for me.

Am eating about 60% -- perhaps a little more -- raw foods now -- including raw animal products -- and am finding that my energy is better and health seems a bit better, as well. Am reading like crazy about the raw diets and their claims -- but the proof is in the putting -- and so far I'm pleased about the results -- but am eating not just fruits and veggies raw, but again, raw butter and cheeses and animal products, as well. Am also finding that raw, cold-pressed oils don't seem to stack on weight like heated oils -- interesting... Am also discovering that Cod Liver Oil is good for my skin -- have never had terrific skin --acne as a teenager and most of my adult life -- and so am very please to find something that seems to make the skin glow -- the Cod Liver Oil and also raw, cold-pressed Coconut oil -- both eaten and put on the face.

Read somewhere about since the skin is the body's largest organ and that everything that goes on the skin eventually finds its way into the bloodstream -- and so why would one put chemicals on one's face if one is trying to live chemically free? Interesting point. But again, the proof is in the putting and am finding that pure coconut oil put right on the face is really helping my skin. Very, very interesting...

Well, that's enough rambling for now. Am still in deadline mode and must get some work done.
More diary stuff

Have been reading up on diets and raw food vs cooked foods, etc. Have discovered many things -- but probably the one that astounds me is fats. Have been eating raw cold pressed fat -- all done without raising the temperature above 104 degrees. Have noticed such an improvement in my skin that I can't help but make mention of it. Also, noticed that the fats aren't making me fat -- which is a revelation for me -- all this time -- even on the lo carb diet -- I've watched the fats and have never let myself indulge. Apparently though -- from what I've been reading, it makes a difference if the oil is heated or not. Heating an oil changes it's molecular structure -- and changes it into something that isn't as easy for the body to utilize as nutrition -- again, don't believe everything that I read, but can't help but notice how much better my skin is since I've been eating coconut oil, cod liver oil and raw organic cream. Interesting.

Well, haven't done much writing this weekend, but did get up to date on my correspondence, so that's something.

That's all for now.
Hi Karen,

Hope you have a good weekend planned. Haven't had time to post lately but just had to post the excellent workout I just did. I have the Gym Style Chest and Triceps and I didn't have time for the whole thing so I did the supersets premix on the DVD - it is a great workout! Tough but compact and I was getting tired of the original format of that workout.

The cold pressed fat thing is interesting but I thought coconut oil had alot of saturated fat in it so it was bad for your cholesterol. But the cod liver oil could be good although I read you could get toxic on vitamin A if you have too much.


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