Kids birthday parties

Wow...that is, limos, 50 GUESTS??!!!

My son, (2.5) was invited to a party the other day for one of his play group friends. It was very well put was a treasure hunt theme...3 guests (the child was turning 3), they read story books from the library about going on a treasure hunt, played outside with sidewalk chalk "drawing maps", dug for "buried treasure" in the sand box, and played on the swing set. He loved it! And I thought it sounded perfect for three year olds. He got a small bag with plastic jewel necklaces, shiny stones, candy bracelet and ring pop, and a shark. Cute, concise and age appropriate.
I have thought for years that kids B'day parties are over-done and they don't even have to be as over-done as you describe for me to think this!!!

I remember my cousin had a big 1st B'day for his son a few years back....rented a petting zoo that came and set up in his driveway in the middle of summer! STENCH galor! x( UGH! The older kids loved it. The birthday boy was clueless! He was just too little to really care! What a waste!

I grew up in a family that didn't do B'day parties big. When I was younger and I wanted my friends involved my mom would have a simple party for me and my friends that would last a couple of hours and one evening she'd have my grandparents over for dinner, cake & gifts and that was it. I never felt like she didn't do enough for me. That was plenty! I was happy! Today if you don't throw this huge freakin party with 50 people your kid isn't satisfied! SCR*W that! I already talked to DH...we will do the BIG 1st B'day as he insists but after that...immediate family only...until Joey is old enough to have developed friendships...then we will also have a party for his friends...but nothing ridiculous by any means!

What happened to the times when your kid and his friends would be thrilled with a McDonald's Party, a bowling party or rollerskating party??? Those were all great! That's what I'm going for...if not a house party even!
Wendy, that's the same exact kind of thing my mom used to do, grandparents one night, a few friends for pizza and cake and maybe a sleepover if the bday was on the weekend.

I remember one year my parents threw a dual bday party for my sister and I with a halloween theme (we're october babies). It was a *huge* deal for all the kids because we had a pinata, the rec room was decorated to the hilt, and we had store bought "designer" cake! Nowadays that's considered lame. We were happy though. :)


So were me and my sister, Sparrow..happy I mean! :)

I think today everyone feels they have to try to top everyone else! At little Ricky's party they did this, this and this so now little Jimmy goes home and whines to his mom and so she has to try to top it! Why?? What are we teaching our kids by doing that? Nothing good. That's for sure.
My husband came up with the greatest idea for my daughter's 9th birthday party last year. We invited 8 girls to our house and before they arrived we took 8 balls of string and wrapped it around furniture, door knobs, etc. throughout rooms in our house (our bedroom and the bathrooms were not included). Imagine the laser beams that Catherine Zeta Jones had to maneuver in Entrapment and you'll get the idea.

As each girl arrived she was given the end of her ball of string to follow throughout the house and wind back up into a ball. At the other end of the string was a prize - a 100 year old penney from my husband's coin collection.

The girls had a blast and were so excited to tell their moms and dads about it when they were picked up. It was cheap and relatively easy to do.


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