Kids and seasonal allergies

L Sass

Does anyone have children with seasonal allergies? I am very blessed to not suffer from allergies, and DH might have a few mid-summer sneezes when cutting grass, but I have a 7-year old who has now developed allergies this year. And I guess this is a really bad spring for allergy sufferers. She's not sleeping at all well due to congestion, and her poor little eyes are so red and swollen. I even kept her home from school the other day because she was so miserable.

I have a Dr appt for her tomorrow, but thought I would ask for input here too. We've tried the Childrens Benedryl and Claritin - neither of which helps much at all. Also done the cool rag compresses to the eyes. I already run a humidifier in her room and have added those smelly plug-in things to try to help her. Do you all have any suggestions that have worked for your children? TIA

Whenever my 5yr old gets allergies I always use Dimetapp Cold & Allergy. It seems to be the only thing that works for him. I hate when my kids get sick and I hope your daughter feels better soon.
When my DD little she had severe allergies (still does some times). I think her dr. had her on Allegra. It was one of the first prescription allergy medications that children could take back then. Of course that was over ten years ago so more may be available. The doctor also had her start on allergy shots.

The allegra for adults works wonders!!! I didnt know it was available for kids....may have to look into that. Thanks for sharing

My 7 year old has bad springtime seasonal allergies. We have been giving her Zyrtec at bedtime, and Similasan Allergy eye drops. Her eyes normally swell closed, and so far this year she has been ok. Last year she was on singulair and optivar eye drops, and the year before that was claritan and patanol eye drops and she was miserable.

Similasan also has a hay fever nasal spray which may help your daughter. My daughter also does the cool rag compresses, but then her eye lids usually get dry so the allergist told me I could very carefully put a little hydra-cortizone ointment on the lids. If your daughter is coughing at night try putting some vicks vapor rub on her feet & then put socks on. It sounds silly but it helps with the coughing. We also signed up to, it took awhile but we have narrowed down what trees are her triggers.

Hope she feel better soon!


p.s be careful with the humidifer, if it has a filter and it hasn't been changed or cleaned it could be getting moldy (we also been there before )
Oh you guys -- you all have no idea how much I appreciate these tips!!!! Angela - are the Similasan products prescription or OTC??

Yes, the humidifiers are nearing their seasonal end. I run them all winter long, change the filters regularly, and also add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide whenever I fill them - to keep mold growth to a minimum. This time of year though I discontinue them as the air becomes more humid, but I've been keeping hers because of the breathing. Thanks again ladies!


They are otc, the eye drops are by the contact saline solution (in my walmart). Similisan is homeopathic and for my daughter it has worked wonders.

Good Luck
My son has seasonal allergies and he is on Claritin and Nasonex for spraying in his nose.

ETA: Make sure she drinks lots and lots of water to help flush out all the allergens and help to thin the mucus. I also use children's Mucinex when he gets really congested.
My hubby as a kid had to get shots for allergies well my one daughter suffers really bad that we have to keep her on Zytec all the time we have tried everything and zyrtec was the only one that works for her she takes it a bedtime. And believe it or not I never had allergies until a couple of years ago and I too have to take meds everyother day.

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