Kickmax tips?


I just got a birthday copy of Kick Max delivered!!! I'm previewing it right now and, well, I'm a little scared! Any tips to help me get through it? I have Low Max and love that one, and have been doing the Firm for years.
Amy G
Hi Amy,
I love Kick Max. It gives you an effective fat burning zone workout for 30 minutes and then let's you get into your cardio zone with the high intensity blasts and moves right onto the sculpting with the leg drills. If this is your first time kickboxing (besides the small amount done in BSS 2), I'd say don't punch as hard and don't kick as hard. If you do tomorrow you'll have a lot of soreness. Ease your way into it and before long, it'll be a breeze. Well I shouldn't say a breeze, it'll just be a little easier!

Thanks! I couldn't wait- I just finished it. I've got some Tae Bo tapes, but some of this stuff I've never done. Needless to say, I'm not ready to star in Cathe's next video!! Ha.
Yes, I realized within a few seconds I couldn't punch as hard or kick as hard or as high, but I did most of it anyway! The blasts were out of control, though, and I ended up jacking my way through most of them! Sigh. Gives me a goal, though!! ;)
Thanks for the advice! I'll have to wait to see how sore I am...

Amy G

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