Kickboxing workouts with reebok weighted gloves?



Does anyone use these type of gloves when they do cathe's workouts? Reebok has them in 2 and 4 pounds. I'm going to assume that you need to really concentrate on your form or you'll be needing new rotator cuffs, etc., if you're not careful. I see that Cathe wears gloves in her videos, but they don't appear to be as "puffy" as these look.
Hmmmmmmm.........don't know if I'd get these(with the fast pace of her workouts). Just one of those things I noticed when I was in their store, I didn't even know that they made them.
Mary :)
I would love to have these weighted gloves. At this point I’m using 3lb wrist weights while doing KPC. You just have to make sure you don’t let your arm (while punching) extend all the way out till it yanks on the joints. You would want to pull the punch back in before full extension. I find my arms get a great work out and I can feel my shoulder muscles getting a slight burn.

Mary, what Cathe and crew have on are wrist wraps not weighted gloves. I think you can get wrist wraps at places like Oshman's or Sports Authority or any large fitness retailer.

Thanks for the input--the Reebok gloves are only $10 so I may buy them and if they don't work for me, I'd only be out 10 dollars.
I'm going to do the workout first and get used to it w/o the gloves and go from there, better to be safe than sorry.
Thanks again!
I have been doing kickboxing workouts for about 10 years or so. I use 1# weighted gloves (the Ironwear gloves, like the Reebok ones). I first started out using them with slower workouts, or workouts that incorporate them, like Janis Saffel. Then I added them to most of my other kickboxing workouts.

I've tried 2# for certain workouts (Contender's club), but I think in general that's a bit too heavy for me for regular use.

My advice: don't add gloves until you get the form down, especially the not locking the elbows and the keeping the shoulder down. Then, use the gloves for only part of the workout, building up time. If you feel any discomfort in the elbow joint or shoulder (joint pain, not DOMS), then back off. Don't use the gloves for the warm-up or cool down. Also, don't use them two days in a row.

I recommend 1# gloves, maybe building up to 2# gloves maximum for women over a period of time. I'd NEVER try 4#. The speed of the punches and force multiplies the impact of that weight on the joints (the old "energy = mass X speed" thing). If you work on the recoil and on throwing power punches, you don't really need more than 1# extra weight to get the effect. So rather than adding weight, add power.
>My advice: don't add gloves until you get the form down,
>especially the not locking the elbows and the keeping the
>shoulder down. Then, use the gloves for only part of the
>workout, building up time. If you feel any discomfort in the
>elbow joint or shoulder (joint pain, not DOMS), then back off.
> Don't use the gloves for the warm-up or cool down. Also,
>don't use them two days in a row.
>I recommend 1# gloves, maybe building up to 2# gloves maximum
>for women over a period of time. I'd NEVER try 4#. The speed
>of the punches and force multiplies the impact of that weight
>on the joints (the old "energy = mass X speed" thing). If
>you work on the recoil and on throwing power punches, you
>don't really need more than 1# extra weight to get the effect.
> So rather than adding weight, add power.

I agree completely with Kathryn on this. Don't use the weighted gloves for warm ups and cool downs and NEVER try 4# or you are asking for an injury...:)..Carole
I recently started using weighted gloves for KPC. I had read Kathryn's comments on this topic on a previous post and was very cautious about incorporating the gloves into my kickbox workouts. My gloves are 1# each, but are adjustable, down to 1/2#. I started with just 1/2# and only for the kicking and punching portion. The weights definately intensify the workout. I was sweating buckets. I'll work up to 1#, but for now the 1/2# is plenty. More is not always better ;-)
I'm trying to find these gloves and am having a heck of time. I'd like to be able to adjust the weight instead of being stuck with 2lb gloves. I've googled without any luck. Help please!
Luv2Run, I got my adjustable, weighted gloves from Fitness First, online. They have WONDERFUL customer service. The gloves were very reasonable and arrived within a couple of days.
Thanks for the info!!
I'm going to check out both--nice to have 2 to choose from!!

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