kickboxing vs. step



dear cathe or whoever else might know,
as far as cardiovascular benefits are concerned is there a difference between doing one of your step workouts and the kickboxing tape? i ask beacause im not that good at step and want to learn to do cathes step but if kickboxing is just as good i could concentrate on that while learning the step. oh, and cathe, you look amazing ( i cant stress that ennough) and you have no idea how excited my sisters and i are to get the new tapes!! way to go girl!!!! thanks,
Hi Gabrielle!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-05-00 AT 04:09PM (EST)</font></center>

They are both extremely wonderful cardio workouts. But keep in mind that by doing both, you will use different muscles and in different ways(good ole' crosstraining). Therefore, I encourage you to use both. Being that you are more familiar with kickbox, then I agree with your idea of doing that while you are learning the step tapes on the side. After the learning curve is over, definitely rotate and do both for greater cardiovascular benefits. Have fun!!
thanks cathe!!

dear cathe,
that was such a quick response- how nice!!! thats a good idea, ill definetly do both and work hard on learning the step vidoes. by the way you look fierce ( in a good way) in all those pictures!! gabrielle

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