dear cathe or whoever else might know,
as far as cardiovascular benefits are concerned is there a difference between doing one of your step workouts and the kickboxing tape? i ask beacause im not that good at step and want to learn to do cathes step but if kickboxing is just as good i could concentrate on that while learning the step. oh, and cathe, you look amazing ( i cant stress that ennough) and you have no idea how excited my sisters and i are to get the new tapes!! way to go girl!!!! thanks,
as far as cardiovascular benefits are concerned is there a difference between doing one of your step workouts and the kickboxing tape? i ask beacause im not that good at step and want to learn to do cathes step but if kickboxing is just as good i could concentrate on that while learning the step. oh, and cathe, you look amazing ( i cant stress that ennough) and you have no idea how excited my sisters and i are to get the new tapes!! way to go girl!!!! thanks,