Hi Gina,
I'm not Sheila (obviously!) and I'm sure she will answer your questions in more detail than I, but I just wanted to share my experiences with regard to kickboxing as my pregnancy has progressed.
I am currently 31 weeks pg and still doing kickboxing workouts. I am still able to do the punches synonymous with these workouts at "full force". However, I have just started to modify the kicks. I am finding that, as the ligaments are now stretching in my groin and pelvic area, taking the kicks as high as I used to is proving uncomfortable (particularly so with side kicks). I simply make the kicks lower so that they feel comfortable and don't place undue strain through these areas. There is a section in Cardio Kicks, where Cathe does Power Drills and does these jumping kicks on the spot and then moving forward (not sure if you are familiar with these?). I have found in the last month or so, that I cannot do these jumping kicks as the impact puts too much strain through my groin and bladder. Therefore, I just do standing kicks at the same tempo, but without the jump, which causes me no discomfort.
My interpretation of holding a pelvic contraction, is NOT "leaking" whilst doing any of the movements. If you find that you are (please excuse my bluntness here!) peeing yourself when doing any of the movements, then you are not holding your pelvic floor properly and shouldn't do that particular movement.
Again, if my interpretation of this is incorrect, I'm sure Sheila will correct me.
I know it is a bit of a "blanket statement" but every woman's body handles pregnancy differently. For eg, I personally stopped doing "traditional" ab work after 12 weeks as it just didn't feel comfortable, whereas another woman may be able to continue quite happily with traditional ab work. Instead, I
have carried on doing kiegels and modified plank work on a regular basis as these exercises have continued to feel comfortable and useful.
I really do think that your body will tell you when it is time to modify something, or to stop doing it altogether. Personally I have exercised by the rule of, if a particular move feels uncomfortable or causes me pain, I modify. If it is still causing me problems with modifications, I simply don't do it.
Anyway, sorry to go on, but I just wanted to share my experience with you in the hope that it may help a little.
Take care!
Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.