kickboxing plus PS



Good Morning:
Thanks to those who advised me about the kickboxing video. I have received it-kickbox express CIA# something. My purpose in buying it was to have a tape (not step, crosstraining as Cathe always says)breif enough to use after my PS workouts. My question is has anyone else done this and if so what are your recommendations, results and the like. I will be breaking it down into 20-30 minute segments. It has jump rope for 17 minutes and kickbox for 20-30 or so, plus this toning segment that looks way too easy. (I could be wrong about that last part )I also have MIC, MIS and Body Max.
Kickbox Express


I love this video. It is great for cross-training purposes! While the cueing is not perfect, this does not matter after you do the tape a few times.

Listen, the warmup is, quite frankly, not great. It starts, in my opinion, way too suddenly. I would start with another warmup or do PS first. The tape has three sections after the warmup.

If you are doing PS, the 44 (or so) minute kickboxing section that starts after the warmup is a great combo with one PS tape. This is assuming that you are fit! Together, this would be a challenging workout.

The jumprope section alone would also be great with a strength workout and a proper warmup. The jumprope that Janis does is technically difficult for a jumprope beginner (which you probably are not) and requires practice before it is a good workout. The coordination and fitness gains are worth it!

The toning section, I think, is the least effective part of the video, and not entirely necessary if you are doing other leg work (especially PS SLA!). This section is a good finish if you do the whole tape, which I do not recommend if you are doing anything else on the same day (because of the tape's 110 minute length). If you do this section certainly do not mix it with the PS leg tape on the same day!(This may be obvious).

Sorry so wordy!

Other videos with Kickbox Express


I would not combine this video with MIC. It already is full of cardio. It would work with MIS as well as PS, except that the entire MIS tape and the 44 minute kickbox section of Janis Saffell's tape would be one marathon of an endurance workout! It would work with the upper body section only of Bodymax. (After Bodymax in its entirety who needs anything else other than the speed dial for 911?!)

Kickbox Express

Hi rachel2! I bought Kickbox Express 4 months ago and I loved it but an even better tape of hers which has become my all time favorite is Kick It by Janis. It's a very long tape (110 min.) but well worth it. You have a much better warmup plus kickboxing drills and then the actual kickboxing combinations that you did in the drilling section plus you get a sculpting section that's very difficult to do but one that's very needed for balance and control when we kick. Then she ends it with a tai chi cool down. Kickbox Express she was very sloppy in her cueing and I had a hard time figuring out which direction she wanted me to go in. However, the jumprope section is great even though I've never done it with an actual jumprope! My ceiling in my basement isn't high enough. Enjoy yourself with this tape, stick with it and you'll be surprised just how great a workout it is. Good luck! KathyH

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