Tae Bo the best?



I have incorporated some cross training into my workout schedule (per your suggestion, Cathe)and just finished Tae Bo Basic & Advanced. The workout is hard, but not very smooth - I had a hard time feeling coordinated :). I guess I am just spoiled by the excellent queing on all of your tapes, Cathe. Anyway, any suggesstions would be welcomed. And, I have found that adding variety has been rewarding and challenging.

By the way, congrats on your new arrival! Eric looks wonderful and you must be having a blast. He'll get to be more and more fun, especially after the first few weeks and the end of what I call "miscellaneous crying." My five kids all seemed to turn the corner and settle down just about the time I thought I was going to lose it.

Have fun and tuck away the memories of these early days...

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