Kickboxing Bag Recs


Hi Cathe, I'm very excited about your new venture and the new workouts! My DH and I have been looking for bags that he can use for punching and I can also use for kicking. What brand or type do you recommend, especially one that would work well with your future boxxing series????

Thank you!

I am also interested in the equipment required in the boxing series. I am so excited about the boxing series.

Mrs. HTK
Me too!! I've actually been thinking about taking boxing lessons since falling in love with KPC and KM... now I may not have too. I'm wondering how a boxing bag will go with my living room decor though :)
Not Cathe, but I have a "Wavemaster" that has a bottom you fill with water (add bleach to keep it clean) or sand. It moves around fairly easily (at least filled with water: it would be a bit heavier with sand). I took a cardio kickboxing class at a karate school for a little while some years ago, and they used the same type of bags.
It depends on whether you can leave the bag in place or have to move it around. At the karate school I attended they used hanging heavy bags only because the owner preferred the movement of hanging bags. I have a Wavemaster like Kathryn because I have to be able to move my bag out of the way when I am done. I have mine filled with sand but it has a little too much movment for my liking.
What do you mean by "too much movement"? Like its not heavy enough? This is one piece of equipment that I have always wanted but I really don't have room for. But if Cathe is making a heavy bag workout - I'm getting a heavy bag! I would love to hear about everyone's experiences with getting/using a heavy bag at home.

Sorry Angela I wasnt clear. I have mine filled with sand perhaps I need more. It ends up moving across the room as I kick and punch. I use my bag for KP&C and KM. I had gotten rid of KM but I felt the first part was too slow and the drills too high impact. When I started using my Wavemaster for the first part it made it way more intense and a lot more fun.
My bag moves around, too, but I just vary the location I'm kicking/punching from, and kick/punch it back to where I want it to be! Putting a carpet anti-slide mat under it helps, too.
Thanks Hedy and Kathryn! - I don't think I'm going to be able to wait until next summer to get one. I saw a TKO brand at the Fitness 1st website that also uses sand or water. Now I just need to figure out how where to put it in my workout room.
RE: Hmm... wonder if we'll need gloves??

>Kathryn and Hedy, do you use your Wavemasters bare-handed, or
>using wraps or gloves?
I use bag gloves, or wraps and gloves (depending on what gloves I use. The bigger ones have room for wraps. The smaller ones are more form-fitting.

Without them, I'd have some pretty bruised hands!
RE: Hmm... wonder if we'll need gloves??

>Kathryn and Hedy, do you use your Wavemasters bare-handed, or
>using wraps or gloves?
>I wonder if we'll need gloves for the new series. (I see a
>birthday list shaping up.... :))
>Kathy S.

Hi Kathy (waving madly),

I have both but 99.9% of the time use fingerless bag gloves. It is a pain to use gloves because the recommendation is to also use wraps to stabilize your wrist. The fingerless gloves wrap at the wrist with velcro which make them so easy to use.
My husband and I have a hanging heavy bag in our garage. Since he uses it too, he wasn't into getting a sand/water filled one for the house, he wanted a heavy duty one. The only negative, is having to use it in the garage of course. If you want to invest you can buy a steel stand if you've got the room in your workout area. That's something I'd like to invest in down the road. They're around $125.
Yes, my DH has hanging heavy bag in the garage too. I think he will resist moving it into my workout room, but I'm going to start working on that! :) It doesn't get used much in there b/c it's too hot. I'm getting my arguments ready ;)It's a really nice heavy professional bag so I am determined that he move it! /karen
More questions for Kathryn and Hedy!!!

Waving madly back at Hedy! ;-)

I've been researching boxing equipment -- I figure I might as well start slowly accumulating some of this stuff over the next 6 or 7 months (including holiday gifts ;-)) so I'm not hit with it all at once when the new series comes out next year. You ladies are experienced -- can I pick your brains a little bit for more info?

Kathryn, where'd you get your bag gloves and what kind? I have only seen a few "women's" bag gloves online but I'm real unclear on how these are sized. And I don't know if I want to get into wraps on TOP of bag gloves, and it sounds like maybe you are supposed to wrap first -- true?

Hedy, your fingerless bag gloves look great! Do they fit you well and are they made for women's hands?? What do you think of these?

Here's my current thinking on the heavy bag situation. I'm a total beginner to this stuff and probably won't ever get much past that -- I'll learn whatever I learn from Cathe and in all likelihood won't get a lot of other boxing tapes. So I don't want to put a ton of money into the bag. I don't think I dare risk trying to hang a heavy bag from my workout room ceiling -- it's a finished part of my attic and it's one of those popcorn-fake plaster ceilings; I have no clue where the joists are under it. I also don't want to spend big bucks on a bag stand, either (plus, most of them look like space hogs). So I'm thinking one of the lesser-priced freestanding bags may be the way to go for me. I think the Wavemaster looks pretty good. Everlast also makes a freestanding heavy bag that is comparably priced, but it's got a water-only base. Sand seems more, I don't know, hygienic to me somehow. Whatcha think? If you had it to do over, would you get the Wavemaster heavy bag again? Are you happy enough with it? Here's a link here to the Everlast bag (and the Wavemaster):

Now, the spoiler in this scenario might be a speed bag, and we don't know yet whether Cathe will include speed bag work in the new series. I guess you COULD do speed bag work without a bag, like we've sort of done in KPC, KM etc., right? But if I ever wanted an actual bag, would I then have to have a bag stand, or could I mount the speed bag some other way??

Thanks for your thoughts, girls! (My gosh, I just read back thru this post and will ya look at how I am spending my time -- trying to think up new ways to spend all my "cheddar"! Yikes, I do believe I need to get a life!!! ;-)) Kathy S.
RE: More questions for Kathryn and Hedy!!!

>Kathryn, where'd you get your bag gloves and what kind? I
>have only seen a few "women's" bag gloves online but I'm real
>unclear on how these are sized. And I don't know if I want to
>get into wraps on TOP of bag gloves, and it sounds like maybe
>you are supposed to wrap first -- true?
I think I got them at Dick's sporting goods, but it was several years ago. I need non-leather gloves, and just happened to find some there. They are pretty form-fitting, so there is no room for wraps under them (though I do have some big "boxing gloves" that go over wraps as well.
Some other sources for stuff are:
Dick's Sporting Goods (If you have a store in your area, you can try stuff out!)
Play It Again Sports (I bought a heavy bag from them for $60.00!!)
Century (link below, we order a lot of Karate stuff from them)

Also, many sporting good stores are now carrying Everlast stuff. I recently saw a "kit" that had a bag, gloves, etc. Can't remember how much, or the store, but it was in the mall and the cost was reasonable.

RE: More questions for Kathryn and Hedy!!!

Kathy the gloves are essentially the same as mine but more expensive. Mine also have the velcro wrist wrap which is so easy to use.

I do recall seeing a standing heavy bag stand which also accomodated a speed bag. Do you think Cathe plans on using a speed bag? I kind of hope not but I am so looking forward to this series I'll be happy with any combination of equipment.

Any of the standing bags you pictured would work. I have the red one my DH bought it for me at Sears. You can find those many places. I think they vary by the padding and the amount of kicking surface. Some are longer and some shorter.

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