kickbox taebo lovers I need a good pair weighted gloves



I have been doing a lot of kickboxing using Cathe, janis saffell and billy blanks my legs hips abs and arms are getting into great shape.I
have been alternating my kickbox workouts with pyramid upper and lower.

Right now I am using 1 1/2 pounds on each hand they are from walmart they slide around I don't like them. I want at least 2 pounds on each hand. I want some that are easy on and off. I was going to order jannis saffells but they are only one pound each hand.

Thank you everyone. Have a nice evening:) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :D :)

Deb;-) :)
Hi Deb..I just started doing Billy...I have his "Get Ripped" series, and although I use 1.5 gloves each with Cathe's kickboxing I feel they are too much for Billy's fast moves. I just use 1 lb dumbells. Maybe I just have to get used to him...:)...If I see any 2 lb ones, I'll let you know...Carole
RE: kickbox taebo lovers I need a good pair weighted gl...

I have a pair of ironwear gloves that I just love. They velcro on really well and are comfy too. I got them as a gift so I can't give you a good source, but if you google'd ironwear gloves you would probably find lots.
I use the Janis gloves when I use them :). I'm curious how long you've been doing the kickboxing and using the gloves. Good for you that you're seeing good results!

Good morning and thanks for the advice

Carol I love the advanced get ripped series. I am going to try out Billy Blanks cardio circuit 2 in just a little bit.

Thank you. I will do a power search on google for iron wear. I have heard they are great gloves.

I have been using the weighted gloves for more than 2 years now.
I was really in to Cathe's step a few months back but for now I am enjoying kickbox, taebo and weights. I really like the feeling I get from kickboxing. For cathe I love her kp&c, cardio kicks and kickbox too. My favorite Janis is Hardcore kickbox circuit.I love billys get ripped and some of the older live tapes and now am enjoying his cardio circuit 2.

I just found out the middle of this month Guilleremo is coming out with a new kickbox workout I can't wait WOOOOO---HOOOO I LOVE HIM.

I can't wait to get those gloves nothing like cranking up the intensity.}( :)

I hope you all have a wonderful day.:) :D

I didn't order all of cathes hardcore tapes I am glad I didn't now. I have lots of weights, step and kickbox to keep me happy but I can tell you one thing I will be ordering her new hardcore kickbox it sounds great. I think in the future I will be looking for more kickbox and taebo so if you have any advanced let me know I have been searching.

thanks everyone

Deb:) :) ;-) :7
I like kickboxing because it is easier on the knees than step and I get a better workout. It sounds like the gloves really add to the workout. Does anybody know which ones Cathe uses in KPC?

- Shopgirl :)
Hi shopgirl

I do agree with you about the knees. Step is sometimes harder on my knees and with taebo I get a better work out too. You work your core as well as legs butt and arms. I am going to try and do a google search for the iron wear gloves. I hope you have a great day today. Well I am off to get ready for work.

Deb:) :) :) :D
RE: kickbox taebo lovers I need a good pair weighted gl...

I also like Ironwear gloves. I've tried several different kinds of weighted gloves, but they're either too "shifty" because they are filled with sand or the weight is on the back of the hand, or they are uncomfortable in some way.

Ironwear gloves use heavy rubber for the weight, and they are very comfy. I just saw some 1# at a Reebok factory outlet for around $9. If you have an AAA card, you can get 20% off at Reebok outlets. I've also seen them online in 2# and3# sizes.

Just a question: Are you sure you want "at least 2#"? When you factor in the speed of punches, and the dynamic movement, that can be a lot of stress on the shoulder and elbow joint. Especially on workouts like Cathe's and Tae bo. Some of Janis Saffel's workouts have a bit slower punching speed so MIGHT be alright (though I'd still err on the side of caution).

I've tried heavier than 1#, but only after using 1# for several years and having built up my strength. Even so, I don't think I will go to 2# again. I just concentrate more on speed and power to increase the intensity. If there were some comfy 1.5# gloves (the ones I tried from Walmart were NOT comfortable), I might try those every once in a while.

I, also, love Tae Bo, Janis Saffell and all kickboxing - I use 2# iron wear gloves. Have you tried Janis' new Quick 10 minute workouts? There are 4 - 10 minute workouts on one DVD - I do the four together which makes for a good workout.

I just got Billy Blanks Circuit 1 and Circuit 2 last week. I do enjoy those. Circuit 1 is only 33 minutes, but has a ton for the core and abs. I ordered the Extreme Tae Bo two weeks ago - can't wait to try that one.

Kickboxing has done wonders on my body,especially love handles. I have been doing Tae Bo and kickboxing for 5 years now.

Keep me posted on Guillermo's new kickboing tape, too.

RE: kickbox taebo lovers I need a good pair weighted gl...

>I also like Ironwear gloves. I've tried several different
>kinds of weighted gloves, but they're either too "shifty"
>because they are filled with sand or the weight is on the back
>of the hand, or they are uncomfortable in some way.
>Ironwear gloves use heavy rubber for the weight, and they are
>very comfy. I just saw some 1# at a Reebok factory outlet for
>around $9. If you have an AAA card, you can get 20% off at
>Reebok outlets. I've also seen them online in 2# and3# sizes.
>Just a question: Are you sure you want "at least 2#"? When
>you factor in the speed of punches, and the dynamic movement,
>that can be a lot of stress on the shoulder and elbow joint.
>Especially on workouts like Cathe's and Tae bo. Some of Janis
>Saffel's workouts have a bit slower punching speed so MIGHT be
>alright (though I'd still err on the side of caution).
>I've tried heavier than 1#, but only after using 1# for
>several years and having built up my strength. Even so, I

>don't think I will go to 2# again. I just concentrate more on
>speed and power to increase the intensity. If there were some
>comfy 1.5# gloves (the ones I tried from Walmart were NOT
>comfortable), I might try those every once in a while.

Thanks Kathryn. I have been using the 1 1/2 pounds each hand for almost 2 years so I thought 2 would be great. Maybe I should give it some thought but I think they would be perfect. I have used them in Billy but not cathe, I think I need to check in to it more. Thank you so much for you advice it makes a lot of sense. I just feel if the video isn't intense enough how the gloves have helped me so much in the past keeping that heart rate right up there, h'mm.


:D ;-) :) }( ;-)
Thanks Cheryl I will order the 2# I know I shouldn't have any problem.
yes I have the janis saffell quik fix kickbox I love doing all 4 workouts and the bonus is awesome I love that workout I think she is great.

I have cardio circuit 2 but have never heard of the extreme taebo.

I will let you know about the new tape, his looks are pretty darn good to WOO-HOO it makes me work harder, LOL.



Deb:D }( :) :) :p :+
Not to hijack this thread or anything, but which kickboxing workout do you recommend that really works the hips and glutes. I have the first Tae Bo Advanced, and that is pretty good. Cathe's are overall toners, but my hips are really the problem.

- Shopgirl
RE: kickbox taebo lovers I need a good pair weighted gl...

>I found these - I don't own them but I've been looking for a
>pair for a while. They come in 2 and 4# sets.
>Hope the link comes through - DD

From my experience, I wouldn't recommend these, as the weight is centeref over the back of the hand rather than distrubuted fairly evenly between theh front and the back of the hand (like Ironwear gloves). Weights I've tried like this feel a bit unstable to me, and almost like they through the wrist off balance (but could be because I have the tiniest wrists of any adult human I know!)
RE: kickbox taebo lovers I need a good pair weighted gl...

Thanks everyone

I think I will try and find the websight for the ironwear weighted gloves.

In my earlier post sorry about the capital letters I wasn't yelling at you ladies oops!!

You are all so helpful on here. I love reading the posts here they are so motivating.

Back to work

Have a great day everyone:D :) :7 :+

RE: kickbox taebo lovers I need a good pair weighted gl...

This post has gotten me interested in weighted gloves, since I'm both a Tae Bo fan and a fan of K,P,C. I found 1 and 2 pound gloves for sale at, between 10 and 12 dollars. I'm wondering, does anyone know if any of the sporting good stores carry them -- the shipping cost is fairly high. Thanks. I'll send for them if need be, but not if I don't have to!
RE: kickbox taebo lovers I need a good pair weighted gl...

Good Morning Writer

I haven't checked the stores yet for weighted gloves but I think I will soon. I haven't checked yet but I will. I found some gloves at title and they have some that are 2 or 3 pounds each and they have a hook and loop for easy on and off. They are 9.99 for either the 2 or 3 pound ones.

I can't seem to find the ironwear ones that I was hoping to find. I am going to check more websights later. If you find some let me know.

Have a great day

Deb:) :7 :+
RE: kickbox taebo lovers I need a good pair weighted gl...

I saw this thread and got intrigued. I use 1lb wrist weights, but I just hold them in my hands. It's great hearing other peoples suggestions. I noticed Reebok calls their handweights "ironwear" but I also found the following:

Hope this link works. Can those of you who recommend "Ironwear" tell me (us) which ones you use? (hand, knuckle, etc) Thank you!

Great thread!

>Not to hijack this thread or anything, but which kickboxing
>workout do you recommend that really works the hips and
>glutes. I have the first Tae Bo Advanced, and that is pretty
>good. Cathe's are overall toners, but my hips are really the
>- Shopgirl

Taebo Focus, Abs and Glutes. (or is it Abs and Butt).
Make sure its Taebo FOCUS. Its all floor work, and you will be begging for mercy.

The Taebo Advanced Lives also really work the hips. Vol 8 is a lot of fun.

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