kickbox dvd



can you recommand me a good kickboxing dvd
something that at the same level (or tries to }( ) as cathe?

thank u

If you like moderately complex choreography (i.e. long combinations) I really LOVE Amy Bento's In the Ring. It's 60 min. long and has 4 combos with intervals in between each. Each interval uses a medicine ball. It's a ton of fun, and has terrific music. Amy's earlier one, Kickbox Extreme is also very good. I had a hard time getting over her form on punches in KBX, but I'm over it now and enjoy that workout as well. (Her form in ITR is better.)

A lot of people are talking about Tracey Staehle's newest one, Strike Zone so you might check out those threads. Good luck!

I also dearly love the Taebo Lives and Get Ripped advanced with Billy Blanks but he's not for everyone.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
I love Cathe Kickbox and hardly ever did anyone else for Kickbox for a long time. I have Kick Max, KPC and Cardio Kicks.

I dont do Amy's existing KB because from the clips they seem choreo intensive. They look like really good workouts but choreo is something I am burned out on. I am excited by what I read of her upcoming Rumble workout which will be strictly drill based, inspired by her martial arts training with Calasanz ( It is available to preorder, so no instant gratification of kickbox fix is possible!

My favorite kick box workout ever, is Tracey's Strike Zone. Fresh moves, great drill style combos, intense. The kickbox instruction and form of the cast is excellent.

Another I'd strongly recommend is Kelly's Cardio Kick Step Boxing 2. I hate choreo, but this workout was so good, I broke up the workout into segments and learnt it and now I love it. Very smooth flowing and fast paced. The step moves blend so very well into kick box. It has a tutorial for the complex moves and that helped me learn it.

~* Vrinda *~
thank u all for the answers
i will check them and hopefully find something new.
about the TEABO it was my first kickboxing but when i met cathe the teabo was too easy and too boring (and please exuse me all you teabo lovers)

i saw amy benton at the and she looked nice with good music i think i will try her


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