Kick Punck & Crunch Rocks!!!!!


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jessica peterson

I am so impressed with kick punch and crunch. It truly is the best kickboxing video there is. The music is the best. And it is so challenging. Can't get enough.
In all honesty, I didn't think I'd ever find a kickboxing video that would be better than Powerstrike Millenium 1 & 2. Cardio Kicks was just way too painful impact-wise, and it was a space hog.

KP&C is absolutely awesome!!!
I agree. Kick Punch & Crunch is the best kickbox video I have ever done. Can't wait to get the DVD and do a KPC/L&G combo!! :eek:
Me too. Love it! After 3 times doing it (now that I've got everything down) it's the best kickbox video I've ever done
Hi Bobbi, It is a wonderful workout. There are some jumps and other high impact moves, but very adaptable for low impact. I did most of the workout low impact and still needed to take some breaks. It is very high in intensity.
wow - I LOVE Powerstrike Millennium 1 & 2 and found Cardio Kicks hard to do in my small apartment. I am really looking forward to buying this DVD!!!
Just joining in on the praise on this one. I bought the VHS version to tide me over until the DVDs get here...this is such a great workout and really is different from CK...I'll have a hard time choosing between the 2 once the newness wears off of KP&C (that's all I want to do right now, lol). :)

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