Kick Max ~


Happy Thanksgiving Eve to Everyone ~ :)

How does KPC & Kickmax relate? I did KPC on Monday, and boy I'm I feeling it...I love it...:0
Is Kickmax harder?

Who has had great results using kickboxing? How many days do you incooperate them into your workouts...

~Thanks So Much ~
Hi Jennifer. KPC and Kick Max are both great kickboxing workouts. KPC is more of a steady state workout whereas Kick Max has the blast challenge which are 10 high intensity drills. Kick Max also has the leg conditioning drills which are really tough and challenging. KPC has an abs section; Kick Max doesn't. I really like both of them but I think I do find Kick Max to be a little bit tougher because of the blasts and conditioning drills. Kickboxing is a great total body workout. Really works the core, upper body and lower body. I usually do Cathe's rotations so whenever she puts them in I do them. I would like to incorporate them more since I feel I get such a great workout from kickboxing.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

When I do KM, I like to do the blasts first, then the combos. It's similar to KP&C, but not the same. I find I'm just too tired to do all the blasts with good form if I do them last, so I get 'em done while I'm fresh, and I still have plenty of energy for the combos. Just a thought for ya.

I think KPC and Kick Max are very different.
I LOVE KPC: it's an intense, very-kickboxy=feelning workout.
I got rid of KM pretty quickly. The warm-up was great, IMO, the first kickboxing segment wasn't intense enough for my tastes,and had many pivots in (which actually seemed to reduce the possible intensity of the workout), the blasts were full of over-the-top plyo cheerleadery jumps. I never tried the leg drills, so can't comment on those. Just not my cup of tea in a KB workout (I was hoping for a continuation of what KPC seemed to be: a tough, more authentic kickbox workout that was intense without having a lot of impact--I usually modify most of the jumps in KPC, and I find it is still intense).
I definitely prefer KPC. It's a more traditional kickboxing routine and is more of an endurance workout, which I like. I love the ab section on the stability ball, too. I was disappointed with KM (my first Cathe purchase, btw) because it didn't have enough actually kickboxing for my taste. I am not even able to do the blast section anymore due to my heel spurs. I wish KM had more kickboxing and less blasts. If I do KM, it's on days I want a little cardio (I skip the blasts) and also a good leg workout. The leg drills are great.
Hello Jennifer.
Thank you so much for mentioning KickMax, after doing Low Max and Muscle Max this week, I thought if I should buy KM. For myself, do I need another DVD in my rotation using all of my Cathe collection? Possibly.
I don't own KPC either. Any imput will be valuable to both of us.
Thank you in advance.

Jennifer in MI
Happy Thanksgiving, All -

Jennifer in MI~
We can never have enough Cathe DVD's...:)
I would get KPC, I love this DVD...and boy was I feeling it this week!!
Take Care~

~Thanks So Much ~
Thanks for the advice, I thought I was done buying for awhile but then something popped. Honestly, I didn't know what KPC was until now. The Hardcore series is the first ones I bought and know Cathe from as well. Do you like Legs & Glutes too?
It might be my Christmas gift to me or early birthday.


Jennifer in MI

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Jennifer ~

I hope you are having a Great Thanksgiving..

I would have to say Legs & Glutes is one of my fave lower body workouts!!! A MUST HAVE...

Yes, I'm having a Great Holiday. Ate and didn't count calories today. How about you?
You just sold me on this DVD. 2 more workouts to add the rotation.
Thank you very much.

Jennifer (in MI) :)
I get a better cardio workout over all from KPC. The KM Boot Camp blast section is harder to me then all of KPC. I use KM WU, Boot Camp Blasts, and leg drills from KM and it is worth the purchase just for those sections, in my opnion. When I purchase a workout from an instructor (even "kickboxing"), I'm looking for good cardio, pure and simple and these both are good cardio workouts. I do not like the section before the BC challenge on KM...can't get my heart rate up but the blast section is great for an intense, short cardio add on. I can't really speak to results with kickboxing as I have to be in the mood for it and don't do it as often as I should.
Jennifer, In KM those blast segments are hard. Or at least for me they are.

I have seen great results adding Kickboxing in. Especially in my lower body. Which is where I need the most help.
I prefer Kick Punch and Crunch. It is much better choreographed and lots more fun.

Kick Max is sort of boring until the blasts.

The leg conditioning exercises are all I do most of the time.

Oh, and that pivot move in the first of the routines is not good at all. It is not friendly for most of us because we are on carpet, not a floor.
I'm not a huge fan of KM myself. It's just not much fun--very high intensity, but IMO the blasts are just too darned hard to make it much fun. Also, I don't really consider this a kickboxing workout. Only the first 15 minute or so are actually kickboxing, the rest are blasts & drills.

KPC on the other hand is one of my favorites. Pure kickboxing, serious cardio, major fun. If I had to choose between the two I'd definitely go for KPC. Kick Max has been gathering dust on my shelf since last summer.

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