Kick Max-WOW!


I did KM for the first time 2 days ago, I'm even more sore today than I was yesterday! What's so cool is that I'm sore in different places than usual-low back, rear delts, side of the butt, and lats! The leg drills were killer (ouch!)and I had to modify some of the blasts. I'm also sure I looked like a fool doing the combos (there's a reason I work out at home and not in public), but practice makes perfect! Cathe's form is so perfect I'm sure I'll never look like her!
I posted a while back about Kick Max vs Cardio Kicks and I am quite happy with KM, but I also just won CK and CM on ebay so now I will get to have both and I'm excited to try CM it looks like fun! Merry Christmas to me!
Happy Holidays everyone!


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