Kick Max gloves and pulling punches


Active Member
Hi everyone...does anyone know where to get the gloves that the ladies use in Kick Max? Also, I keep reviewing the DVD to get the moves down, and Cathe's form and punches are perfect, but does anyone notice the lady behind Cathe to the left, I think it is Jade, she is barely throwing punches, its like she is holding back....I keep waiting for her to let loose, but she just stops half way through the punches....
Jai's form bothers me as well (so I just watch Lorraine and Cathe!). She keeps her guard down, throws her punches low, and her hooks are odd: like her arm is almost attached to her body.
>Jai's form bothers me as well (so I just watch Lorraine and
>Cathe!). She keeps her guard down, throws her punches low,
>and her hooks are odd: like her arm is almost attached to her

OMG I thought I was the only one who noticed this! Jai's form and technique in Kick Max is pretty bad. I kept thinking 'It does no good to be all hunched over like that (supposedly to make your torso a smaller target) if you are going to keep your hands so low and just leave your face hanging out there...and don't get me started on her uppercuts...or the way she always jerks her hands a little before throwing the punches. I think Jai is just trying to not swing the elbows behind her on the hooks, (which is the correct way to throw uppercuts and hooks, because they are knockout punches powered by the hips)she just keeps it a little too tight. ;-) I have no problem watching her though, I mean as long as I know what I'm doing, its all good.

I am glad I am not the only one who noticed this...I keep talking to the screen, telling Jai to throw that punch girl!...let loose!...I just watch Cathe...he form is perfect!

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