Kick It Up--- May

Hi....did some yardwork today, but otherwise no working out. I feel like a blob so I'm looking forward to getting back on track.

Actually, the nutrition part of the book was a disappointment. Since the book emphasizes not dieting, it was hard to put together a nutritional "eating plan", so the nutrition chapter mainly was an overview of what each vitamin does for your body, a general overview of the food pyramid and very general "eat until you're no longer" way of managing "portion contol".

The book in a nutshell has 10 general principles and each chapter goes into detail about each principle. If you're interested I can list the principles, but I don't have the book in front of my at the moment.

I had an impulse buy this weekend and ordered Shaun T's Insanity workout, dont ask me why!! If it's a bit too hard on the joints, I guess my husband can use it to complement his P90X!
Hi Stace,

Body Fusion today; turning point this past week for me, things just got easier. Aside from feeling it in MTK (My Tweaky Knees), which dissipated almost as quickly as it occured, things just seemed easier. Yesterday I carried two forty pound pellet bags in from the garage, easy. Now it's not like doing 16 lunges with a barbell but, dang, it was way easier than last year. :)

I'll still have to be aware of impact, but many of the moves I did poorly in the beginning I can do now. Last week on this rotation, then a week off, timesaver for a week & another rotation. Let you know if I come up with something in nutrition, still looking at this. Most of the time for me it comes down to planning a few days ahead & having good stuff around.

Thanks for review, may have to save pennies for iPad, it seems like this would be good for what I use the most, books, videos, data tracking, web, I 'm still a little iffy on all that stuff connected to the internet, old fashioned I am.

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I came home from work today with zero motivation and my husband (knowing this) says to me..."If you workout, I'll have a nice dinner waiting for you when you're done." The man knows what motivates me hehe. So I did a walk/jog of 3 miles on the treadmill, mostly jogging which when I first started was mostly walking. Hubby delivered with grilled pork chops, broccoli and some sort of grilled tomato stuffed with melted goat cheese and some spices. I couldve eaten just the tomato and been satisfied, it melted in your mouth. Mmmmm....

Tomorrow is Cathe's Meso 2..chest/tricep/shoulders followed by abs.

I weighed in today...wasnt pretty but overall no real gain, just 2 lbs, but what I have noticed over the last 2 weeks or so of less than stellar eating paired with hardly working out last week is that the flab seems to come back so quickly!! Last month when I worked out pretty consistently and only half watching my diet, I was getting pretty lean especially in the abs and I weighed close to the same amount. I think if I stay consistent with my workouts and just pay more attention to my diet nothing even too extreme I'll definitely see some progress. I just need to stay consistent for more than a month and not let TTOTM derail me!
Hi Stace,

Are you going to do the Insanity, is that 60 days? I watched the infomercials but that isn't really for me. Maybe you could compare the two? Since your other is doing the P90x? That one's not for me either, I watched Kirstie Alley's Big Life, she had Tony Horton on one week. That show's funny. Hope she gets to her goal. Lemurs! & her housekeeper, she's really funny. It's such a funny blend of people & situations.

Speaking of blends, I'm going to use the timesaver workout blender for SJP & KPC in my next rotation, today off, I've been practicing the steps to Imax2 on my rest & stretching days, half at a time on the floor. Do you think if I make nutrition part of my rotation I would get better at that part? How does the P90x nutrition guide work, could you follow that?

Happy Tuesday! :)
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Hello....rainy day here. I have STS Meso 2 C/S/T still on tap for today. I have NO idea what I'm going to do with Insanity, lol. I'm not even sure why I ordered it b/c I'm worried about it being hard on the knees. I'm fairly certain I wont follow it religiously the entire 60 days b/c of the impact, but I may do 2 workouts a week with STS strength, and then somewhere throw in a long walk in prep for the half-marathon and also try to do Tonique. I need a 10 day week!!

I've tried P90X and I like certain aspects of it....the Plyo workout is good, I like the Ab workout and of the half dozen upper body workouts I like 2 of them, the others use too many chinups and pushups. I cant do a single chin up and since I do pushups on my knees, some of the variations Tony does with toe pushups it's a bit harder to modify. My husband is enjoying it though and getting use out of the chinup bar so there's something to be said for that. I dont have the complete P90X nutrition guide, it's missing a few key pages (I bought the entire set for $50 from someone online so I'm not too upset about the missing pages), but from what I do have of the nutrition guide it basically says for breakfast pick a carb and a protein and you pick from a list of approved choices. I'm missing the lists but I'm guessing it's pretty standard stuff.

Have you tried IMax2 on the step yet?? I usually just do half of it or if I do the entire workout I only do every other blast. SJP is a really fun workout and I live the hi-lo cardio but it kills my knees. It'd be a great workout to do on a rebounder, but I dont have one and I can't buy one more piece of fitness equipment that takes up space!

I think if I spent half as much time on my eating as I do on figuring out my workouts I'd be lookin' awesome, lol!!
Hi Stace,

Rainy here too, I don't have anywhere to do chinups, & I still do pushups on my knees, I can do more of them now, better. It's a process. I just wondered if you & DH use the menus, I never really followed an eating plan day to day or anything, unless I decided what it was going to be. :p

I learn all the step routines before I put them in a rotation now, on the floor first, that way I can work out how to modify any moves before hand, i.e. air jacks. I'll only do 1/2 the routine to start, twice in a week. That doesn't come yet though, SJP will be first, I'll have to look at the hi/lo, I only did that once last month, if it's too much I'll take that part out. There will be other challenges I'm sure, but not all impact challenges. Think I learned my lesson this month with that.

Barbells R Us! ready to move up!

Are you getting a barbell?? I LOVE mine!!

Grr....Beachbody screwed up my Insanity order. If I can straighten it out, I'm getting a full refund!
Hi Stace,

Barbells are here! I went with the Troy Lite set, apparently whining/crying still works at 47! and is underated! The good news holding steady at 134 lbs., the bad news, there's no bad news today! Drill Max #5 & #6 today, Basic Step 6", catch up on reading later.

I really like the weight distribution of body bar, but the Troy Lite Set is the more practical & economical choice. Can't wait to get started with that. :D

I hear the Troy Lite set is great! I have one I got a looooong time ago at Sports Authority. No workout for me today, it's a planned rest day. I'm holding steady at 133lb!! Unfortunately my goal weight is 115-ish!!
Hi Stace,

That's the thing, I'm not really sure about the weight anymore, because years ago, when I was this weight & lighter (@ 125-130) , I did not exercise regularly, even when I was pretty active, it wasn't regular exercise per se. So I know I would probably continue to lose fat (especially if I continue doing football drills, that'll giggle the middle for sure :eek: ) My next effort for June will also include kickbox & two total body weight days per week.

I'm thinking I still pinch X-amount more than the proverbial inch, at what point do I give up the scale? Should I just go by that & measurements?

Hmmm? :confused:

Have a good evening
I can pinch more than an inch which is sad b/c I had a "4-pack" at one point in time. I have no clue what to do with my scale either, it's a love-hate relationship.
Hi there - could I join this thread? I am looking for a Cathe thread that I can check in with. I am 46, 5 ft 2, and have about 20 lbs to lose. Have a number of Cathe videos, but seem to find reasons why I don't have time to work out (i.e. work, kids, hubby, etc). Currently in a pretty good place eating wise - back to counting calories and trying to eat clean...just not staying pretty flat on my weight. would love to get motivated to make exercising a priority again! I really think I need to just start getting up earlier again - that used to work for me. now, I sleep in until 6:45am , get the kids going, pick up the house and get to work. I WFH but am on calls all day and never seem to find time to get it done. thanks! Kelly
Hi Kelly welcome aboard! I'll give you a little "background" on this thread. It started originally as a "non-check-in" or rather a place to just "chat" about diet in fitness with no strings attached so to speak. We had come into the thread feeling frustrated with counting calories and always feeling the pressure to eat right, workout, "check-in" etc. Our premise is share what you want in a non-threatening no pressure atmosphere. Lately we've been changing the name of the thread as we move along, with May being "Kick It Up".

Some background for me, I want to get away from dieting as food is my emotional crutch. I've followed every diet known to mankind over the last 15 years, have counted cals, journalled etc etc and in the process gained 15 lbs instead of losing. I just finished reading the book Intuitive Eating which is helping with my relationship with food. In April I had just gotten into working out regulary after a few month hiatus. I was making progress then life got in the way, but I'm working towards not letting it derail me altogether like it had in the past. So far so good, had one bad week last week, but I'm working on getting back into the groove! Eating is still a struggle though, but I'm not giving up.

We'd love for you to join if this seems like a good fit for you! No pressure, share what info you'd like, pop in when you can, and feel free to vent or bounce ideas around!
Hi Kelly!

Welcome! Yeah, what Stace said, it's the non-checkin' in check-in. I started last year with Cathe's workouts in October 2009, have made a lot a progress, & feel pretty good about it. Over time "not checkin" in here really has kept me on track, consistently, with work outs & setting new goals. Great to have you!

Today Total Body Sculpting, might add in the leg conditioning drills from Kick Max, I liked that follow up before so much.

Have a great day!

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I was SO close to slackin' off and not working out this morning simply b/c I was being lazy, but thanks to Kelly I had to put my money where my mouth was and got my butt out of bed and did both of KCM's 30 Min to Fitness Kickboxing workouts!! Yay, feels good to be done!
Hey Stace, Kelly,

Good for you Stace, keepin' it real, way to go on the KCM double! You know I really like the kickbox workouts, always a "go to" in my book!

Hey Kelly, any particulars on what kind of workouts you like, don't like, or would like to try? Stacy's got the low down on lots, believe me, she's answered my questions (and I always seem to have 'em :p )

Today I found myself pondering the yoga vs. stretching vs. practices like Tai Chi... knowing I need the benefit of good stretching but not quite finding a good stick-with-it style (although a.m/p.m. & stretch max are pretty good)

still searching...

Hi...I just noticed I said I did a KCM Kickbox double, I meant Bootcamp, either way it was a great workout!

As far as yoga, etc. I've never done tai chi or any other martial arts disclipline but think it would be very cool. I have Kimberly Spreen and Rob Glicks tag-team yoga workout, it's got a good sweat factor and is fun to do, might have to pull that out again!

I initially put in a Tonique workout this morning, I made it thru the warm-up which was an odd warm up to say the least, then went into the first cardio move which was a kickbox style move and I couldnt get the beat down so I popped that one out and put in KCM. I think the Tonique workouts are going to end up being add-on workouts, I cant seem to do one in its entirety, but that's okay b/c they're all chaptered. was your day?
Stacy and Linda - thanks so much for the warm welcome - I really appreciate it! A little background about me:

I am 5 ft 2 and am 'hovering' around 146....dream weight is 123. I started doing exercise videos about 3.5 years ago. I started out with the FIRM and really enjoyed them. I got on Jenny Craig and lost 17 down to about 132. Then, stress of work got to me and I spent a lot more time eating mini-reeces peanut butter cups and chocolate kisses (I have a sweet tooth) and less time exercising and put the weight back on. I didn't go back to Jenny though because although I think it's a good program, I really got tired of the processed foods.

I started eating more 'clean' and truly am eating better these days and less binging. Tracking my calories for the most part because it does seem to help me not get out of hand.

I decided the FIRM Videos were too easy and started buying Kelly Coffey-Meyer and Cathe well as a few Tracy Staehle step videos. These are all a good fit for me although I like Cathe and Kelly the best. I have all of KCM's videos; and for Cathe - I have some of the easier ones - i.e. basic step, LIC, Low Max, BM2, Cardio Fusion, etc...I also have the Shock Cardio ones but have only done Athletic Step so far!

I started WFH about 6 months ago - and now just really need to get back to getting up and getting my exercise done first thing in the am. Once 8am rolls around, I am always on work calls, or working on things and even though I have tried to block out time on my calendar during the day, I never seem to 'get it done'. then I pick up my son after school and he has stuff to do, and then we get ready for dinner / family time with my hubby and 16 year old daughter, and then it's evening and I am tired...and the next day starts all over again. very frustrating! anyway, I AM going to at least try to start working out in the am - it truly makes me feel good and I know will help me lose the weight as right now I am definitely too sedentary.

Sorry for the long drawn out message! Stacy - I have that KCM 30 min to kickboxing - I have only tried the 1st one on the tape, but I did like it.

Thanks for listening!!!....;)

Hey you have Cathe's Timesaver? Commit yourself to two weeks of 30 min workouts such as Timesaver or one of KCM's 30 Min workouts every other day for starters so it won't be as daunting. I would guess that by the end of 2 weeks you'll be ready for more!

How many cals do you stay around? I used to count cals, but it got too crazy for me b/c if I didnt know the calorie count of everything I ate I'd just get frustrated and eat like a pig! (I'm also petite..5'1" and do think it's a bit tougher for us short gals...well except for Cathe b/c she's not human!)
Hi y'all, Stace, Kelly,

Stretchmax 2 today, nearing the end of this rotation, more challenges ahead I think, like moderate rotation of impact, intensity, length.

Are you starting from scratch then Kelly, or have you been doing some exercise all along? I agree with Stace, getting into the routine with a few days a week would be good, they say it takes about 3-weeks to make a habit, so try for at least a while to see. I've been sticking to rotation planning from the start last October, & it works for me, I do have some specific goals for increasing cardio vascular endurance, muscle strength, intensity, & impact level of my workouts, though. I tend to go for the systematic approach.

Example, this past rotation "easy", some new step & circuits, and some beginner ones using a riser on step, most pretty short in length.

next rotation, medium lengths, moderate level of intensity, more strength weight work. Still total body workouts, but harder routines, a little heavier on the weights. (June)

then a follow-up month of higher intensity step & split weight workouts, this will be the hardest month (July)

So it's my own kind of periodization, with rest breaks in between each rotation, and specifically for what I want to accomplish.

I visited another site where I couldn't decipher whether or not people actually did work out or just talked a lot about videos or people who do work out, this site isn't really like that, people here really are knowledgeable & helpful, I pretty much didn't have a clue last year how I was going to lose weight & get in shape, "Healthy, Strong, & Fit" that's the goal. Now I feel like I have a great start!

So whatever you decide, I think you can probably find what you're looking for, I did!

Have a Great Day!


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