kettlebell weekend


Good Morning!

Marcy::: I hope all was okay with DH yesterday.

Tested my 1Rm for my deadlift today. To say I am disappointed is an understatement. When I lifted the 185# and it came up so easy, I really felt I would be able to lift at least one more time. I don't know if it was mental (195# on the bar) the kids running around (my 2 DS's and a friend of theirs who slept over) , me worried about my back, or I just didn't have it in me, but my new 1RM is 185#...which is weird and depressing for me, since I lifted 180# 3X during my 11th week of Pttp.:mad::(:(:(

anyway, here is the link to my blog

a rest day for me tomorrow....

PS- Jane::: started Girl with a Dragon Tattoo yesterday afternoon, and I'm already past page 100!! Its really good, and I can't put it down...reading it may be the only thing I do today!!... the heck with cleaning the bathrooms!!;)

Have a great weekend!
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Hi Deanie...

I'm brand new to Kettlebells. I Just purchased Lauren Brooks DVD....actually got the download for my iTunes. Can't wait to get started.

On your blog what are you referring to when you say "buy ins" and "Cash out" ?

Hi everyone!

Deanie - Don't beat yourself up. 1RM is really mentally and physically taxing. It sounds like you had too many distractions today. I'd bet on a better day you 1RM would be up there.

Hi forever39! I didn't know you could get Lauren Brooks' DVD as a download. I'll have to check that out. :) The "buy-in" and "cash-out" from some crossfit sites. They're generally used for warm up, or skills practice, or core work, etc to complement the main workout.

Waves hello to Melissa, Jane and Rhonda!

Here are the stats from last night's Starting Strength:

Buy-in: limbering up and jumped rope for 3-4 minutes

Squats: 88# 3x5
Bench: 63# 3x5
Deadlift: 188# 1x5

I'm pretty much planning to take the weekend off per the program's recommendation, but I might do some TGU's tomorrow.

Have a good weekend ladies.
Deanie - I had a thought...when doing your 1RM, what if you start with a higher weight, like 160 instead of 145? Maybe your CNS would be just a little less taxed for the higher weight.
I hope that everyone is having a great weekend so far :)

I just finished ETK TGUs, 10 minutes!!! The more I do these THE MORE I LOVE THEM!!! :D:D:D I was able to use a 25# for most of the time, and I went really slow, like a turtle, and focused on form and my muscles work. Woah, it was a great experience!
Cash out:
3 pull ups - these are getting easy!!! :D:eek::D love my weighted vest ;)
4 snatches each side (25#!!!!!!)
5 burpees
6 rounds

Nice workout in under 20 minutes :) I love seeing my numbers go up, it is a great feeling!

Gotta go get ready for a par-tay:

go colts!!!!!

Hi Deanie...

I'm brand new to Kettlebells. I Just purchased Lauren Brooks DVD....actually got the download for my iTunes. Can't wait to get started.

On your blog what are you referring to when you say "buy ins" and "Cash out" ?

Welcome to the world of kettlebells! I hope you're planning to check in with us :)

Hi again!

thanks for listening to me whine this morning gals:eek:

Forever 39::: welcome!! :) :) I second Melissa, hope you check in with us :). Gayle answered the buy in/cash out - buy in is like a warm up and cash out is a cool down/additional training. Enjoy your new dvd!!

Gayle::: thanks:confused: I thought about it afterwards and also thought I may have started too light. I also think I had too many distractions, my older son has ADHD and I'm always concerned about what's going on when he's up and I'm not around:confused::confused:... thinking back to pttp, I still had some great pr's that I can be happy about.... but part of me thinks maybe that's all just excuses and too bad for me today! LOL...enjoy your days off or tgu's if you do them!

Melissa::: I love tgu's too!!! Enjoy your party!! and I hope your Colts win:)

waves to Marcy, Jane and Rhonda!!

Good Morning

rest day for me today :)

Jane::: I just signed up for good reads and I love it!! I love how you can rate the books and keep track. Keeping track is going to be great for me, since I just read a book I think I read before!!:eek: LOL!! By the way, stayed up LATE to finish The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo. LOVED IT!!! Highly recommend it!

Melissa::: Glad your Colts won!

waves to everyone! Hope you are all having a Great weekend!!
Hi Everyone!

I missed my workout yesterday. I was at my parent's all day and got home at around 4pm and started changing to workout and the power went out. :mad::mad::mad: It was damp and rainy so I couldn't go outside. I ended up back at my parent's house for a couple of hours.

This morning I did Cathe's Boot Camp and may do another workout later today. My sister wants to either run or do something else, so we'll see.

Deanie ~ Thanks for the recommendation. My sister wants to buy me a book so I'm going to have her get that one for me. I'm glad you like Goodreads. Check out the book giveaways. My sister and I have both won books. Enjoy your rest day!

Marcy ~ Hope all went well with your DH on Friday.

Melissa ~ I'm glad the Colts won!!! :):):):):):):)

Forever 39 ~ I hope you plan to join us on a regular basis.

Waves to Gayle and Rhonda!

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