Kettlebell users...input please (want a new workout)


I'm bored with my current workouts. I have both of Laura's workouts and have AOS Clinic. I was thinking about getting an AOS downloadable workout. I like it because it's a tad cheaper than the dvd price (still overpriced but that's jmnsho).

I'm considering AOS Providence (NOT vintage) or AOS Diva.

Any recommendations? Also, anyone with experience doing AOS downloads? Is it worth it? Any issues (I'm a mac user)? Also, if anyone knows of a coupon code, please let me know!

Hey Sue320,

I Love Lauren Brookes too, but I have found a great website that actually offers loads of free Kettlebell workouts.

The girl is a nurse from Ireland and she does all these workouts in her spare time - really inspiring. I've heard only good reports on her and her workouts.

If you want to check it out the address is below, hope this helps :)

I love her site! I don't have KBs (yet), but she also does some great bodyweight routines! That's a terrific suggestion! Why pay a ton of money on DVDs when you can get her workouts free!

Hey Sue320,

I Love Lauren Brookes too, but I have found a great website that actually offers loads of free Kettlebell workouts.

The girl is a nurse from Ireland and she does all these workouts in her spare time - really inspiring. I've heard only good reports on her and her workouts.

If you want to check it out the address is below, hope this helps :)

The Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout by Keith Weber is very good. It is available through Dragon Door. He also just released a volume 2 workout. I also like Firepower from AOS. I have no experience with the downloads.

I do most of my kettlebell workouts outside without dvds. As Pam stated there are lots of free kettlebell workouts that you can find on the internet.

Have fun!
Hi Sue320,

I use a Mac computer and I have downloaded workouts from AOS without any issues. I own many kettlebell DVDs but lately I have been using the free internet Ketltebell workouts too. I am not sure why KB workouts are so pricey but some of the free internet ones are rather good.
FREE workouts are awesome, especially when they are good ones. I just tried one of the kb workouts on myomytv. Wow!!!:eek: I am dripping and out of breath!!! Marianne (sp?), the nurse who posts these workouts, has quite a few on there. Thanks so much for the info!
Oh my god!! I have just seen Marianne from do the most awesome kettlebell workout!!!

She has just posted her own version of the 300 workout, all with kettlebells. And she was using mostly the 16kg kettlebell. Although many of her workouts are really doable, this one looks insane. But I guess I could just use my 8kg, it would still be hard.

Wish I was that fit :p

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