Good Afternoon!
I managed to get through Newport today although I didn't have time for the bonus round or the snatch round.
I did all with 20# (could never have gotten through the whole thing with 25# right now).
Cossack Stretch into Squat Thrust - was able to go deep like Anthony in the cossack stretch this time! Kept up with Anthony but had to take extra rest between 2nd and 3rd round. Did all bicycles.
Squat/Press and 1-arm swing - Squats not as deep as I would have liked. Probably one of the easier rounds for me. Did all double leg lifts.
2-arm swing and hot potato - I'm getting better with the hot potato. Really felt it in my core. Abs - Lying twisting crunch - no problem.
Punch Matrix and Plank - kept up with Anthony for whole thing! Single Leg Raises were tough but did them all.
Side Snatch & Overhead Lunge - This one tired me out. Need extra rests. Side planks not a problem.
Squat kick/Sots Press - Managed to do 5 sots press on each side. Abs - Standing oblique crunch - easy!
Hand to hand clean and dragon lunge - easy! Russian twists and bicycles - tough, but finished all.
KB pushup and divebomber/cobra pushups - tiring. Did all Janda situps.
Then did Kick Max stretch.
Gayle - Hope you have a good deadlift session!
Jane - Hope you have a great workout!
Waves hello to Farmer, Deanie and Andilynn!