Kettlebell Results



I've been considering getting a kettlebell recently so that I can add kettlebell swings to my workouts. I'll probably keep it at work and use it when I need a quick pick me up. I would love to hear from anyone who is training with these about your routine and your results. I was particularly interested in focusing on swings to work on my glutes, quads and hamstrings, but I'm interested in any results you've experienced using these.

Thank you in advance.
I am much stronger from them. I did not notice any bulking. I'm using a light weight bell. I bought it at Wal Mart. Very cheap. I like Kbs, I wouldn't have done it without pushing from the Cathletes. I wouldn't have thought of it on my own. I think they are fun. I wouldn't call them 'a pick me up' but I'm not as fit as some of the ladies on the forum. It was easy for me to pick it up, but I have background in dancing and I am very coordinated. Just be careful, don't drop them, they can break things!
Hi Eva,

I have been using kettlebells consistently for 6 years. They aren’t the only equipment I use so the results I have achieved aren’t only from kettlebells. I mix things up quite a bit with running, traditional weights, med balls, sandbags, etc. The thing I love most about kettlebells is that you can get an intense cardio/strength workout in as little as 20-30 minutes.

I love the kettlebell swing. It really is a great way to tone your entire body while getting a great cardio workout. In 2009 I did a 200/day swing challenge. I did not notice a big difference in my lower body but I did see some changes in my abs and overall cardio endurance. My legs are my problem area so I really have to work them hard in various ways to really see results. You can also do different types of swings: hand to hand swings, 1-arms swings and walking swings.

I have brought my kettlebell to work on occasion and usually do an hourly mini circuit of 20 swings and 15 push ups. It really got my heart racing, gave me energy and made the day go my faster.

Be careful in picking a weight because you can tend to go heavier when doing swings. You don’t want something too light that you will outgrow. Most people I know start with a 20# or 25# bell. I believe I started with a 25# bell and I now use a 44# and 53# bell for swings.

We use Kb's a ton in CrossFit. I use a 35lb one and mostly feel it in my shoulders, lats and core. I like doing them and they get my heart rate up fast.

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