Good Afternoon!
I woke up a little bit late today so I didn't get to do everything I wanted to do (including the KB abs which I will do tomorrow) but I did do Slim Series' Mix It Up which included a lot of band work (which I find very effective for that extra burn):
Warmup - really fried my shoulders!
Lat Pulls - 5#
forward lunge with hammer curl - 5#
Bent over rows - 8# (24 slow, 12 fast, hold 4 counts)
Crossover lunge with bicep curl - 8# - tough - didn't think it was going to be but I guess it's all those reps!
Double Row with band
Squat with bicep curl with band (tough!)
jog, half jack, jog, march
Plie Squats -5# and with front shoulder raise - 5#
Rear Delt Raise - 5# and double time (tough)
Reverse lunge and back kick - 5#
Arnold Press - 5# (16 slow and 16 fast)
Plie Squats - 5# - low ends, with lat raise, and more low ends
Bent Over Delt Rows - 5#
Squat with Leg lift - 5#
Alternating Shoulder Press with band (tough!)
jog, half jacks, jog, march
Upper cut series (also cross punches, standing oblique crunches, shoulder high lawnmower (best way I can describe it), etc.
Chair Pose - hold 30 seconds
Plie Hold - 26 seconds
Standing Fly - 5#
1-arm tricep extension with band
Lying down - "C" sweep (lift arms overhead and come around to touch dumbbells together - 5#
Lying Tricep Extension (and with twist at top) - 5#
Pelvic Tilts
Pushups - 20 on toes
Kickbacks leaning on one knee - 5#
Bent leg kicks (foot flexed)
Chest Press - 8# and with turning elbows together
Overhead Extensions - 8# (tough!)
Tricep Press - 8#
Reverse Crunches - I did them in diamond shape like in Tracey Staehle's Glute Camp - feel it more in lower abs)
3&3/4 chinups
Has anyone seen the Insanity preview from Beachbody? Looks like a killer workout which I think we would all love. It's a plyometrics cardio circuit. In one guy's youtube video, he said he burned 472 calories in 41 minutes. Average HR was 142, Max 181. He was in his target heart rate zone for 32 out of the 41 minutes. He even said the warmup was tough. I think he said the 9 minutes he was out of the zone was for stretches and maybe the water breaks. I think they were about 3 minute intervals with 30 seconds rests. I wonder how it will compare to Shock Cardio. Lots of burpees!
Deanie - Fun workout! I'm thinking snatches must be your favorite KB exercise.
Jane - Looks like a fun workout! Hope it doesn't rain for you.
Andilynn - You're welcome! I also need to revisit KPC.
Gayle - Aside from your massive strength gains from deadlifts, what other results have you noticed? A seated figure 8 pass looks like it's done in a boat position and you just pass the KB through your legs like you would if you were standing. Here's a link:
Enjoy Star Trek!
Missy - Are you sleeping any better?
Waves to Rhonda!