ETK week 2 day 1: **warm up to Empire State and 10 halos - 10 min.
**8 cycles of 20X swings (last active rest was for 30 seconds so I finished it out) I used the triple crush and figure 8 to a hold with my 25#kb for 2 of the active rests. The rest, I followed the book. Instead of using the wall clock for my 1 min of active rest, I used the clock on the dvd machine - much more accurate!
**pyramid of pullups/pushups to 4
this was very challenging!!
1 pullup/ 5 push ups
2 pullups/10 pushups
3 pullups/15 pushups
4 pullups/20 pushups
and then back down starting with 3 pullups/15 pushups
I will stay here for a while. All pullups were assisted except the first one. I tried to do the last one unassisted, but only got 1/2 way up, so I used the band. I could never do all these without the band I am really liking it! all pushups on the toes.
Jane~ sounds like you had a nice weekend celebrating birthdays!! How are you coming up with what to do on what day for your Feb. challenge?
Andilynn~ The ETK workbook is a workout on its own, or you can add a little to it. For me, on the swing days, I am adding pullups/pushups; on the TGU days I am adding a flow drill on tuesdays and 5 min. of snatches on thursdays; and a kb workout on Sat.(just 20ish min. nothing to much) On wed. I will either do yoga or stretching. HTH. Glad you got it and you are starting it with us
Good morning! Well I'm off to take a Algebra exam in a second, send some positive thoughts my way( I need all the help I can get!) I'm really glad this is the last math class I'll probably need. I think after I get home I'll try a HIIT plus I really need to get a good look at the ETK workbook so I can get started , I also signed up again for the nutrition software so I can really track my eating and get some good results.
Deanie: With the ropes on EBAY when they ask for the quantity is that by the foot? i.e x40 for 40 feet? I also ordered Santa Monica yesterday so I excited about that! Great workout today, I really need to get a pullup bar mounted , I've never really attempted any.
I took a rest day yesterday. Rascal and went snowshoeing for a few hours on Saturday.
I'm heading to the gym tonight to do deadlifts. I'm starting a deadlift program that Rachel Cosgrove wrote an article about. It's basically 2 days of deadlifting per week. I figure it'll let me still work with kettlebells on a couple of the off days.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do tonight. I'm getting home late so I might just do the February challenge. We'll see!
Andilynn ~ I'm sure you did well on your algebra test! Yikes..I did not like algebra at all when I was in school.
Gayle ~ Have fun with the deadlifts!
Deanie~ Great workout. I'll have to pull out ETK book and look at it again.
For the February challenge, I wrote down all the kb exercises I knew and placed them on the days that I felt would be best for the number of reps. For instance, I didn't want to have TGUs on day 28 because who wants to do 28 TGUs. Then I just added in other exercises like jump rope, mountain climbers, etc to fill it. I did a run through once with all 28 exercises and it took me about 30 minutes. I then switched around a couple of things. I don't like having planks in there (they were an afterthought) because it slows things down so I've been doing them at the end. So no method...only madness!
Crazy day at work today! I did ETK this morning. Did Lauren Brooks' Joint Mobility instead of ETK warmup. I think it was 8 minutes.
Did 6 cycles of swings/active rests (1 more cycle than last time which is amazing since my breathing was so bad last night and this morning). Switched out the active rests and did suitcase deadlifts (25#), mountain climbers, jogs and lateral skaters. Then did the Sculpt section of Dance to Enhance (28 mins.)
I lost 2 pounds since Saturday I hope I can keep it off. Went for a Cha Cha class on Sat. night. Sunday I did my pullup challenge: